

  • Yeh seems a little too much IMO, Standing Military should be enough for overhead development. ID say just that and Bench Press is enough to cover all bases.
  • Be a waste of time, too many pages try pitching these things saying they can affect hormone response, if you are hitting correct macros and calories there is no reason to be concerned about insulin unless you are diabetic. As an example of the naivety some coaches have towards insulin, did you know studies have shown whey…
  • You'll never know exactly so just use raw weight, and be consistent every time and it wont matter much.
  • Completely and utterly unnecessary to cut out or even be on low carbs. You will not be able to maintain after cutting via low carb because you will damage your metabolism and a normal amount of food will seem like a surplus to your body. You just need a calorie deficit whilst hitting minimum range on all your protein and…