kaitthegr8t Member


  • I use olive oil spray for stove top cooking, and olive oil for baking veggies etc. When I bake I use applesauce if I can. Pinterest has been a huge help to guide me through clean eating. It has many info. graphics, meal plans, recipes, substitutions.. I have found that changing a few things at a time has helped me stay on…
  • Lots of sodium, lots of carbs. It's definitely my favorite frozen pizza (other than stouffers french bread), but I stay away. When I am in the mood for pizza, I pop a pita with crushed tomatoes and 2% mozzarella in the toaster oven and call it a day.
  • Pre-logging has helped me. I map out my meals the night before (I just finished for tomorrow). Doing this helps me see how many calories I will consume throughout the day, it takes away the "gamble" of eating bad early in the day to make up for it later (because let's face it, we never do). Buy your produce local and…
  • I wanted to quit smoking, so I bouoght a Blu (menthol type) disposable ecig. I figured if I liked it, I would buy the kit ($60). Anyhoo, after about two or three ecigs, that lasted me about a week and a half, I don't use either. I have been cigarette free for almost two months. The only time I ever truly want one now is if…
  • I quit my friends. The drinking went along with them. I learned that having fun didn't have to involve and smoky bar and a bud light. It's amazing how many things there are to do out there. I found that finding things to do and then having a couple drinks was far more fun than going out specifically to drink.
  • I stayed under my calories, drank all of my water, and put in a good workout. Small victories with big results.
  • Well, so far this month I have been doing ok with my goals. My water is definitely up, and my workouts have been on track. Had a rough food time with the superbowl, but managed to stay away from beer. It took me a few days to get back on track, I am hoping everyone is doing well with theirs! Best of luck all month/journey…
  • ~Allie7383- PR in my Disney Half Marathon, be under 145, log 5 days a week and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. ~Skreal89 - break the 210 mark for the first time in 3 years; run 4 miles without a walking break; burn 6000 calories a week working out; eat all of my daily calories instead of eating low and being…
  • Same here... When I bought my house, I packed on the pounds. I just loved being there so much that I stopped go out (including exercising). Don't even get me started on boyfriend weight! Hopefully you can get him involved in your lifestyle change. Best of luck to you on your journey :)
  • The nerve of him!
  • Thank you everyone, looking forward to helping each other on our journeys! Best of luck to all :)
  • I totally blew it last night :( Sucks because I would have had such a perfect day minus the alcohol! I started and didn't know when to stop.. dinner with friends is dangerous! Go figure tonight my bf wants to go out, too. I think I will be DD! Mon-0 Tues-0 Wed-0 Thurs-6
  • Did well last night, went to dinner with my bf and stuck to water. I don't like to drink if he isn't because he is a pain if I get tipsy and he's sober... soooooo I had water with lemon. Tonight I am meeting a friend for either coffee or happy hour, so today could go very well or very drunk... :/ Monday- 0 Tuesday- 0
  • Wow I think I have found my PEOPLE on here! lol. I usually do well with drinking during the week, as in I don't at all. But wow softball night comes around on Friday and I am drinking the night away.. then Saturday is a waste (like meeee). So far this week: Mon- 0
  • I think if you can recognize that there is a problem, you are on the right track. Like you said, you can't blame him though. You are ultimately the one who makes the choices- good or bad. My boyfriend does this ALL OF THE TIME. He was ANGRY that I didn't want anything from McDonalds the other night. It doesn't make any…
  • Oh I love this thread! I can't wait to shop for clothes and not be embarrassed by the size. I also can't wait to fit into a pair of shorts that I found from college, I am just a few sizes away from my first goal! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Drink all of my water for the day, and do 100 crunches before bed!
  • I hit a bump in the road too.. it is SO HARD to get over, I am struggling with it right now! I think just realizing that you're having a hard time is a great step in the right direction. You can't fix a problem if you don't accept that there is one first. Whenever I get tired like that, I pick up my phone, put on my…
  • Thanks everyone! I can't believe I stopped coming to this site.. I downloaded the app for my phone now, too. It's cool to have other people in the same boat. Some days are just easier than others I guess. Thank you for the motivation :)
  • I often have nights like this. In the end the one cookie turns into five, and before I know it I've blown my whole day! One food that I have found has helped my night time craving if I just can't control it is the Special K Chocolate Delight cereal... has a hint of sweet and is pretty filling. When all else fails, I drink…
  • I love this idea! I always do weekly/monthly goals.. but DxD is even better! Today.. 1. I want to drink lots of water! 4-5 water bottles 2. Stay up with my calories, so far I haven't gone over at all this week :) 3. Do 200 crunches at the gym, after 30 mins of cardio. I'm up to around 175 total, I think I can manage 200.…
  • I'm in too! My birthday is this month so hopefully I can behave myself :) SW:215 GW (for Sept) 210 LTGW: 140