jd5351 Member


  • They're jealous. They should develop a thicker skin because seeing someone doing well should motivate them to do better. Keep up the hard work!
  • Sounds like water retention to me. Don't panic. Unless your shots and sandwhich equaled like 12,000 calories, theres no way they made you gain that much.
  • I get this often. I'm not obese, but I am overweight. I weigh more than I look, and I've mastered the art of dressing myself to conceal my lumps..lol Trust me, they are there. And it's not really the number on the scale that I'm concerned about as much as being healthy and liking the way I look.
  • There are 3 of us in the house...2 adults and 1 4 year old.. We spend usually between 150-200/wk on groceries. If we're in a crunch and I go to the store ALONE I can spend as little as 80.00 for the week. My husband has no impulse control and jacks up the budget..lol I like Aldi a lot for budget shopping. Their food…
  • Either pre-portion the amounts or maybe buy the individual serving sizes of cereal. I don't do well cutting entire things out..I just make an effort to be mindful of them. My downfall is grazing. Gotta keep the snacks out of my mouth!
  • I have 3 longhair Chihuahuas. Duke, Dutchess and Pamela. Pam is Duke and Dutchie's puppy. We named her after Pamela Anderson, because she is blonde. LOL
  • Usually around 400 or a more...My calorie "goal" is 1200, and I like to eat closer to 1600 on most days, so that helps it to even out.
  • 600 calories isn't worth being extra tired tomorrow. If you're anything like me, you'd wear yourself out tonight, then be too tired tomorrow and not do well tomorrow. Just get a good night's sleep and do better tomorrow. If it makes you feel better, add an extra 5-10 mins to your workouts this week.
  • I've had my share of bad haircuts/color. It's horrible! If it's driving you nuts, you could try some hair extensions..I had to do that last year when I got a real hack job done to my hair. I didn't get crazy long ones, but just enough to fill in my hair so that it didn't look so terrible.
  • I won't even attempt to calculate the calories I ingested the last few days.... My menu consisted of ham, Noodles and cabbage with an ungodly amount of butter, homemade pierogis-cooked in butter with extra butter, mashed potatoes, green beans and almonds-with butter of course..cabbage rolls, mushrooms stuffed with bacon…
  • Great news! Keep it up!
  • I would call the doctor, just to be on the safe side...If it hurts bad enough to double you over it could be a problem. If not an ectopic, but an infection, or something not healing properly...Or it could be nothing. I'd double check.
  • Do you think maybe the place would give you ingredients/amounts and then you could put it in the recipe calculator? It's worth a shot.
  • I get a 6 inch Turkey and provolone on wheat bread, all veggies except no lettuce (Can't stand shredded lettuce) and no olives. Honey mustard dressing. :) I'm a bit Subway'd out at the moment though, since the spa I work at is right next door.
  • Trader Joes is great...Good quality food and pretty inexpensive.
  • I was living at my grandma's while going to college. She always slept with the TV on and it was super loud. I'd often have dreams about what was on TV,so when the first plane hit I thought it was a dream. I got up and saw that it was real. I ended up staying home from class that day. I had a boyfriend who was in basic…
  • I take 2,000 IU's daily as directed by my doctor. I take it for low immune system. Vitamin D stimulates the cells that trigger to fight infection. He said that Vitamin C does little good to fight infection if you're low on Vitamin D. If you work indoors and don't get at least 15 mins of sunlight a day, then you're probably…
  • Accutane is a last resort treatment...Mood changes are common and it also PERMANENTLY thins your skin. It's dangerous to even get your eyebrows waxed after using it, because your skin could actually come off.
  • We have three longhair chihuahuas. We got Dutchess from a friend of mine who couldn't take care of her anymore. She's mostly black with a white spot under her tail and her paws are light brown. She is very sweet and loving. She is very close with my three year old, because they "grew up" together. My friend got Dutchess…
  • Right..2 FL oz is 1/4 cup, but spaghetti is not liquid..lol
  • Spaghetti squash is great! I'm actually eating it now! :)
  • Made this for dinner again today. Worth a bump, because it is delicious!
  • You can log it just like any other food. Just make sure you measure out what you're using.
  • Naptime/Bedtime is non-negotiable in my house. My son is 3.5 and I just take him to his room and close the door, and he goes to sleep. I'm lucky, he's always been a cooperative sleeper. Only maybe 10 times since he's been about 8 weeks old has he fought sleep and that's when he was teething or sick, and then he just needed…
  • You can also add it all in as a recipe and then next time you eat the same thing, pick it from your recipes.
  • I substitute finely chopped baby bella mushrooms for breadcrumbs in my meatloaf..It soaks up moisture and helps bind it together just like the breadcrumbs do. It would work for meatballs as well. Or just leave the extra ingredients out and just ball up the meat and cook it that way.
  • You look great!
  • I have done this...Rub with some garlic and pepper and it's pretty yummy. Or try your hand at the grill if you're feeling adventurous. :)
  • This! Formal dress sizes are usually a size or 2 bigger than what you really are!
  • That's wonderful! Isn't it great when you can prove everyone wrong? :) You're doing great,and you're going to look wonderful in your dress, I just know it!