

  • Who cares what they think? My bike is from '88 and I don't wear any of those "uniforms". Oh and I ride motorcycles too and don't wear those silly outfits that the image seekers like to wear.
    in Bikers!!! Comment by fletchbo April 2012
  • How long have you been running? When I first started running (~8 years ago) I had back pain but I just kept running and eventually it completely went away. Some of it was just time, but some of it was getting better shoes as they really made a difference for me. Good luck!
  • Yes - not quite that much - gained 75lb in school and now trying to get back to normal size. At first I was just walking , now starting to run a bit.. I was having issues with shin splints just by walking up hills or anything around 2 miles or more. You will have plenty of aches and pains when you first start but it will…
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