jjballantyne Member


  • Emilymagic: i made a bunch of date/nut/coconut balls. They are sweet and tasty and satisfy that craving for dessert or a cookie after dinner or evening. Google recipes. I used mejool dates, walnuts, coconut oil, coconut and almond hazelnut butter. Mix it all in food processor or blender, roll into little balls and put in…
  • Day 9 for me. I started on boxing day. Im feeling great! Better than i have in a long time and i look less puffy already. I am still tracking my calories too even tho u are not supposed to. Im thinking dairy has been causing me issues and i have been a sugar addict for the last bunch of years. Hoping this helps me conquer…
  • Response to above on calories. I log my food and stay within calorie allowance. Funny thing is that its been easier to hit my macros since i cut out bread and sugar. Im on 1200 to 1700 calories depending on workout days so not much room for 3 cookies with coffee in the afternoon anymore. As to after 30 days, well to be…
  • Response to above as to calories - im logging everything and staying within my calorie allowance. Funny thing is, just by removing the bread and sugar, its been super easy to hit my macros. Usually im playing around with dinner cause i ate 3 cookies as an afternoon snack with my coffee. Im on 1200 to 1500 calories…
  • Sorry. Whole30 program for 30 days: no dairy, sugar or sweeteners, or gluten. Just vegetables, lean meat and good fat like olive or coconut oil or nuts. All whole foods, nothing processsed. Its hard. Day 3 and im light headed haha but i swear my mid section looks flatter. I slept really well too and feel energetic. I had…
  • Ive just started my 2018 journey too (boxing day) - Logging all my food - weighing my food (my husband lost 30 pounds last year just by weighing and logging and cutting out bread). - Lifting heavier weights 2 of 4 weight lifting days (4 rep range) - 2 bootcamps or spinning each week - Doing the whole30 for 30 days to kick…
  • Im 6 days in and off to a good start. Not 100% but good. Ive done HIIT cardio 3 times a week, lifted 5 days a week seriously and done some general stretching and walking. Im down 2 ibs since Jan 1st. No sugar of course but not super healthy eating yet. My friend joined my gym so she is new to weightlifting and im helping…
  • Starting weight: 154 Current weight: 145 Goal weight: 129 DETERMINED! GOALS: No sugar, no junk, more water, harder workouts, 5 chin ups by June!!
  • Just a question...what are you eating?...if its 2000 of fairly unhealthy food...that could be the issue. I wasn't losing weight for five or six weeks, tracking my calories, driving myself nuts.....then over the last few weeks I have eaten really clean...veggies, salad, oatmeal, lean protein...NO refined carbs (no sugar, no…
  • Weights first...unless its just a ten min warmup.
  • Buy some 5ib weights to start. Start with three basic strength exercises: 1) bicep curls, 3 sets of 12 to 15 curls 2) military presses over ur head, 3 sets of 12 to 15 3) tricep extensions, 3 sets of 12 to 15. Rest 2 mins in between. Do that three to four times a week. That will get u started. Biggest strength training…