Mostly rpgs and stuff on ps3. I like Star Ocean, White Knight Chronicles and Katamari heheh c: ...enjoy older games on n64 as well ^^
Hi! I'm Ashley, or 'Ayealis' , a shy bat-fur and I'm here looking to lose about 25-30 to improve my confidence and feel better c:
I was the same way in highschool. I'm 5'3 and was about 120 and was always self concious and covering myself in hoodies. Looking back now, I don't know what I was thinking! I know you can do it! ;3
Was also surprised to see one here! (i'm a bat :3)
I'll add you! Love having lots of friends to help encourage eachother
Chocolate and parmesean pasta. Mashed potatoes. I get my pasta cravings out of the way with weight watcher's Smartones frozen dinners. I eat them almost every day for lunch, haha. Chocolate, i nibble on Ghirardhelli 75%dark chocolate. A serving size is 4 pieces, and I don't snarf them down anywhere near as much as I do…
I'm 5'3 and started around 160-163 ish. I've lots a tiny bit so far but nothing really enough to see a difference in clothes yet. My calores are about 1360 but sometimes I go over a by a hundred or so, but I also do yoga when I can't m ake it to the gym.
I'm 21, and my goal is also 30 pounds :)
You are GORGEOUS :)
Self Confidence. I don't want to be worried about what other people think all the time