

  • indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165 adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost nitag - sw 220/cw193/gw145 - 2.0 lost Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 446 = 1 lbs GAINED Morgolis - SW: 341 CW: 335 -6 lbs overall DWray44 - SW/GW/CW: 275/180/267-1 lb lost Healthymom – sw/gw/cw 208/150/189 -2…
  • Hey Kristi, I finally made it! :happy: I can relate to a lot of the comments in this thread, such as I promised I'd never let myself go over 300. My weight gain can be attributed to several things: emotional upheavals, medications, and genes. I inherited the fat gene from my mother's side. She has to work really hard to…
  • If you're not taking in enough calories your body is resisting weight loss. We're designed that way. By not giving your body enough calories to work with each day you are teaching your metabolism to slow down, to hoard what calories you are taking in, because your body thinks there's a famine. I would suggest using the…
  • adopt4 - SW 273/CW 247.3/loss 1 pound indianagranny - SW/GW/CW 214/160/196 0 lbs lost for the week Yari - SW: 192/MGW:173/CW:190= 1.5 LOST Jamie - SW: 195/ GW: 155/ CW: 187.8 / 0lbs nitag - SW:220/GW 145/ CW 195 - = 1 lb lost lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW190-1lb lost beahurey-SW 208/GW 140/ CW202 - 5 lbs GAINED healthymom - SW…
  • Thanks for all the support and encouragement! I have a hard time getting 64 oz. of water in me, I can't imagine drinking a whole gallon a day! But I'll give it a try, see if I can up my water intake a little at a time. Here in Scandinavia we have socialized medicine. One of the drawbacks of socialized medicine is that the…
  • Hello, I've been struggling with being overweight most of my adult life. About a year and a half ago I started taking the weight loss drug, Reductil. I did well on it for a few months, losing around 10-12 lbs. per month. After about 6 months the weight loss slowed to around 5 lbs. a month, and kept slowing down, no matter…