

  • Great ideas! I love getting new ideas, cause it is easy to get bored with my own cooking! Any good recipes for chicken enchiladas?
  • Sounds yummy! I will try it this week.
  • I have been riding consistently for about 5 weeks... my husband and I ride together and we love it! It's a great way to get time together and burn calories.
  • Eye of the Tiger - Survivor Heartbreaker - Pat Benetar Shortest Straw - Metallica Holier Than Thou - Metallica Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • As several other women mentioned, it does help to work out when you are on your period. It helps with cramps, gives a mood boost, and helps with energy levels. I feel the same (tired, not sure I want to work out) when I am on my period, but if I can get my butt moving, I always feel better!
  • I totally understand! One trick I heard, and have started using...try to distract yourself for 10 minutes (put off eating by doing a chore, etc), and many times the craving/thought passes. I do struggle with this though, especially when I am stressed. One other trick I try is to drink some water/crystal light/etc. instead…