anorrybot Member


  • Do the fit test first so you can track your progress and see the improvement. Month two is mentally harder because it's longer.
  • Every time I do Insanity I whine and cry the whole time. But the results you get don't lie. I have to take breaks just like the people in the videos but I always try to dig deep and go as hard as I can. I can't wait for the "rest" day!
  • What about your nutrition? Any major changes there? It's hard to believe that if you don't change your negative eating habits to see results like that. I'm trying to concentrate on not overeating. It's difficult because I've been doing it so long.
  • I hate the switch kicks because I have really tight hips. Plus I think a lot of people cheat. Each switch kick is a kick with both the left and right leg up to hip level. I can do 120 too if I do half kicks and only kick as high as my knees. Anyways, you're only cheating yourself and it's 70% diet to see great results.
  • I've been doing Insanity for the past 3 months and lost 14 pounds but the last 2 weeks I haven't been motivated and actually been cheating by stopping the video or doing something else. My results have stopped and I've hit a plateau. I'm ready to follow the program the way it was designed and watching my nutrition to eat…
  • Height: 64 inches Weight: 163 lbs Waist (smallest part): 31.75" Waist (belly button): 33.5" Hips: 41" Thighs: R: 26" L 25.75" Calf: R 16.5" L 16.5" Bicep: R 13.5" L 13.25" Forearm: R 10.25" L 10"
  • SK=57 PJ=54 PK=89 PJ=27 GJ=10 SJ=15 PUJ=21 LPO=56 I followed the video and rested when Shaun T. told us to. I did Jilian Michael's 30 Day Shred afterwards.
  • Greek yogurt is also higher in protein than the regular variety. Plus I like to use it as a subsitute for sour cream. Try the plain one with honey and fresh fruit.
  • You should be fatigued at 8 reps using the heaviest weight you can handle. I use 30 pound freeweights for flys, straight presses, single arm rows, tricep extensions (one weight only). 20 pounds for bicep curls and shoulder presses. 10 for T-flys. I try to add two reps each week till I reach 16 then I'll add more weight or…
  • I don't know if you realize that there is a blog that you can create and link on these posts. Thought you might like to know.
  • I think you may be more active than you think. Plus you may be overestimating your calories eaten. Either way, good job and I wouldn't focus too much on it.
  • I was doing an internet search to look for a good program I could do and this looks promising. Keep at it and the weight will come off.
  • Coconut water. It's only 60 calories per drink. Make sure you buy organic 100% coconut water with no sugar added. I like O.N.E. Coconut Water, 11.2-Ounce Aseptic Containers (Pack of 12) sold on However, you have to like coconut water and may take a bit to get used to. I love it and grew up drinking coconut…