kchicka Member


  • Hummm where photos of these guys results that don't agree with cheating? I have a cheat day once a week. It actually helps with my muscle growth. Does that mean I go all out no. Has it ever done any damage um no. Mother of four children 6 days a week eat clean train like a mongrel get it!
  • Ladies let me tell you we can get a flat stomach and 6 pack. With hard work and clean eating after four children I finally have that. I still have my stretch marks they are the same colour as my skin but I don't give rip lol I have the best body that I've ever had because I sold out to my goals and pushed myself. If you…
  • Well I'm female 24% body fat and I can see my abs after having 4 children. So it must depend I was aiming for 19% body fat cos thats what I read in the net. But yeah we are all different I guess. So maybe genetics I build muscle easy as well. 100% eat clean no grains, pastas or breads. All fresh vege, protein, fruit,…
  • Are you really watching what you eat? Write everything down even an extra teaspoon of something is a diet killer. Up the intensity of your work outs. Add interval training 3-4 times a week & really push yourself to that place of discomfort. I'm a mother of 4 my youngest is 8 months. I eat clean Mon to Mon no cheating! You…