

  • going to bed early works the longer u stay up the longer u eat work out go to bed ps nyquil lol joking dont do that every day
  • pt(physical training at night time. it reminds u of all the calories u lost and u wouldnt want to gain it all back
  • one way to stop thinking about food is make think about something else which is hard when u hungry i get hungry alot too if it was up too me ill eat every second of the day like right now pizza hhmmmmm lol but i find if im doing jiujitsu which is martial arts im not thinking about food or when im in college listening to…
  • i just started doing a diet i was 202 poun ds now i think im 194 or less havent checked after 194 but i eat once a day chicken with salad around 6pm and pt(physical training which is treadmill only. i think im doing a bad diet but its working some how but i though peanut butter was fattening is it good can i eat it?…