End of day cravings

So I do really well with dieting all day long. Then after dinner I start to crave something sweet. I don't want fruit...I want pie, or ice cream. I need advice on how to stop myself from giving in. Someone suggested putting a pic of me at my goal weight on the fridge or pantry door so when I go to open it I will see the pic and it will remind me of my goals. Any other suggestions? :tongue:


  • ambercole
    buy some skinny cow ice cream bars. that's what I do. I just make sure that I have the calories left.
  • jiujitsu3000
    pt(physical training at night time. it reminds u of all the calories u lost and u wouldnt want to gain it all back
  • Melaniegibson
    the vita muffin tops are good. they do have more of an organic taste - but they fulfill a sweet tooth (for me) and they are 100 cal. I also like the jello mousse for 60 cal. Or freeze the yoplait and that is like a frozen yogurt. I cannot recall how many cal's they are but it is low. hope this helps!
  • asallen7
    I have this same problem and understand where you're coming from. I do different things, like saving one of my planned snacks (yogurt, fruit, or a VitaBrownie) for the evening time. If that doesn't work, I try to sip on herbal tea sweetened with 0 calorie Stevia. I like the Skinny Cow idea but they are just not safe in my freezer :-). Sometimes I will get some other Vitamuffins snacks or Weight Watchers cakes or ice creams. They are all low calorie and hit the spot for me. When all else fails, I go to bed! Good luck with your goals!
  • emersoam
    You can "give in" to your cravings for sweets in the evening. Think of some sensible options that are under 200 calories. Some that I use are...Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, low-fat honey graham crackers, animal crackers, pudding, yogurt, whole grain toast with low sugar jelly, cereal, gum, sugar free soda, frozen yogurt w/fruit topping, etc...
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    My first question is what are you eating or dinking thouout the day that may be causing the cravings. Then is there is nothing there then I would say find a low calorie treat that is not overly processed or has to much bad things in it. I have been having the same problem so I go for watermelon or beries with light real dairy whip cream(not cool whip). It is sweet and fills me up and I am good
  • Tina0807
    So many good ideas. Thank you so much everyone!!! A lot of you suggested the skinny cow icecream so I think I will try that and see. Especially since ice cream is one of my HUGE weaknesses. I do save some calories because I know I am going to want something in the evenings but I usually still go over because I end up eating my 3 year olds teddy grahams and going over the serving size. Think I will buy some 100 calorie packs so I can't go over.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    lock the fridge (handcuff them) turn off the lights in the kitchen, or lock yourself in the bedroom and go to sleep as soon as you can! LOL! I have the same problem!!!!
  • jiujitsu3000
    going to bed early works the longer u stay up the longer u eat work out go to bed ps nyquil lol joking dont do that every day
  • jmathews
    yogurt works for me!
  • Tina0807
    lock the fridge (handcuff them) turn off the lights in the kitchen, or lock yourself in the bedroom and go to sleep as soon as you can! LOL! I have the same problem!!!!

    This is hilarious!!!! I may have to go this route