pickgo Member


  • Hi Phoenix Please add me as a friend. I'm back after more than a decade. Starting calorie counting and exercise. First target is 42 lbs or 3 stone. How much have you got to lose?
  • Please add me too. I'm back, I'm back! After at least 10 years I've decided I'd rather starve and exercise than be so fat and unhealthy worrying about covid. It would be great to get/give a bit of accountability and support. Need to lose 3 stone or 42lb first to just be obese and get out of the morbid category.
  • It might be that the next 6lbs are the ones that really show. But focusing on all the differences that YOU notice is more important anyway surely?
  • Hi Katetobe! I'm <cough cough> over 50 too. And, yes, I was 11lbs lighter just after Christmas! How that happened I don't know. Anyway I need to lose LOADS but will start with a goal of losing 2 stone because at that weight I don't suffer any achey knees, double chin etc and I've got clothes that fit comfortably. So my…
  • Just started. Current weight 228. My first goal is 203 because I think I'll lose a lot of the negative effects on my health at that weight. My body fat is 49% which was a big shock :* My ultimate goal is 140. Would really like some friends, if anyone has roughly half their body weight to lose!
  • You can really see your tum shrinking in the right pic - and your face looks really different. You're very attractive, beautiful eyes. :)
  • Everybody's eyes look so much bigger! Well done everyone.
  • I'd absolutely love to have a personal trainer like you. :) Someone who understood what it feels like to exercise at a heavy weight and the embarrassment and distress that can cause would be really helpful. And to know that you too have lost all that weight would be inspiring. Well done by the way and thanks for posting.
  • I think it's a really good idea actually and I'm going to try it next time I want something with my head when my stomach is actually okay and doesn't really need anything more. I also have noticed myself feeling anxious sometimes about feeling hungry, as though it's doing me harm to be hungry. Which of course it's not -…
  • Thanks so much everyone :) Reassuring to hear it's not just my age. I've been feeling so old and achey lately I had begun to think this might just be what it's like to get older! But I will 'rage against the night' and start fighting back!! Here's to a fitter, slimmer 2014. I'm determined this time.
  • You look about 10 years younger!