hayley1973 Member


  • Day 2 complete ... went 300 calories over my set calorie amount by having wholemeal toast and butter ... stopped at that which is amazing for me as it usually triggers me to binge! So apart from not being a perfect day of eats it deffo wasnt classed as a binge day ;) ME - 2 BINGE - 0
  • Day one all complete ;) Im really going to give this my all this month ;) ME - 1 BINGE - 0 ;))) x
  • Well Im deffo joining you guys on this one ;) March was terrible for me with so many binges and gained back all the 8lb that I had lost SO quick!!! Did it again last night and now have to start getting serious and put a stop to it as its just going to get me down if I gain weight with the summer coming up! Day 1 today and…
  • Hi Louise, spotted your post on here for walking buddy ;) its quite an old post but wondered if you are still out n about on walks? Would be great to hear from you ;) summers coming and would be great to get out n about ... Hayley x
  • Wow...so glad I have found you guys ... its nice to read up on posts about people suffering with the same as me! OK...I just want advice really, honest opinions etc! The internet scares me to death with the varied stories, they all differ so much! Basically I have never had this before and my first notice of it was only 1…
  • Hi everyone...great to read all the posts and compare...we are all so alike! I have been a binge eater since I was 13 and Im now 38!!!!!!! I have never been "over weight" just uncomfortable in my own skin I guess! The smaller you get, the more you like it, the more you think thats the right size etc and when you gain back…
  • Hi there...thanks for the quick reply ;) I have just gone back to the "tools" section on here and it says "put in your weight/height/age and we tell you how many cals you need a day if you basically stayed in bed and did nothing" ... thats where it said a result of 1200? I usually walk fairly fast for an hour a day, I work…
  • I think Im about to do exactly the same! I need motivation to get myself healthy and fit again and lose a little weight...fb just makes me sit, eat and read rubbish! I will be logging in to MFP later today as today truly is DAY1 of sorting myself out ;-) x