

  • What a great recipe! Thanks so much! It sounds delicious, and quick and easy...which I like even more!
  • Wow a triathalon!!!!! That's impressive....good for you!!! I ran a half-marathon in Toronto last year. No desire to run more than that...LOL. Are you finding the last 20 hard to lose???? Ynot: I have to admit that its comforting to know I'm not alone. Man its sooo frustrating when it's just a small amount of weight and it…
  • Hey, I know we're all here for various reasons, though I was hoping to chat with people in the 20lbs to lose category. I'm finding weight loss to be rather challenging and i"m wondering if it's because i'm down to the last 15lbs....that have been stuck on my butt and hips for the past few years....LOL. Just wondering....…
  • Hey, I heard you could also judge this by the colour of your urine. If its dark...you're dehydrated, so drink more water...if it's light you're over-hydrated...so drink less water...urine should be the colour of lemonade...that means you're daily water intake is just right. Okay, this sounded better coming from my personal…
  • LOL...I went over my calories this past weekend and ended up gaining 2lbs....so jealous...good for you!!!
  • Hey, Thanks so much for the posting. I'm going to check it out right now. I just joined the group a little while ago and this is my first posting. I have to admit that it's so incredibly comforting to know that we have an outlet to share our support, frustrations and positive experiences!!! :smile:
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