ashie075 Member


  • I actually tend to think that the stomach issues are not so much from the fibre but from all the artificial sweeteners. Those tend to give people more gas/stomach problems as our bodies have a terrible time breaking those sweeteners down or so says my nutrition prof. Just my two cents :)
  • How often do you get your blood tested? If its been awhile you should ask your doc to do another test. Things like eating a high fibre diet or inconsistency with taking your thyroid medication can all inhibit weight loss. I was having the same problem, got my blood work done, moved up to 88mg and the weight has started…
  • Don't give up! Every time you eat healthy and exercise you are improving your health :) Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a diet and weight loss should not be your only focus. The number one mistake people seem to make is overestimating their calorie burn and underestimating their calories. Take a good long look at…
  • My friend is a Physiologist and a personal trainer and she's always said you should eat half of what you've burned. So if I burn 800 calories i'll eat back about 400. You need to keep that metabolism humming and your body NEEDS food after an intense workout.
  • I also have hypothyroidism! It's good to know other people who know how hard it is to lose weight but it IS possible because i've done it! . I found that the more I exercised the better I felt/feel so I would suggest upping the exercise and not worrying AS much about the food (at least thats what I did but I eat fairly…
  • Count me in!! Those last 10 lbs! Gotta get rid of them. Stupid bikini season lol