I loved loved loved loved the metformin when I was on it. After I lost 35 pounds the doctor wanted me to try with out it :( I try not to look at like a life controling diagnosis even though it is and sometimes I will even forget to tell new doctors I have it. I think by just saying "this is me" and "this is what I have to…
I also have PCOS....after the diagnosis and fertility treatment to have my little bundle of joy. I started my weight loss trip. I started in January of this year and I am down 35 pounds. I also cut out breads/noodles (basically gluten free). Add me if you would like!
I went to a different north carolina private college that cost just as much as Duke....I was lukcy that my parents paid it off when I graduated as my graduation present - but the idea that I owed that money those last couple of months in school was the worst the time I would have done anything not to have that…