satrioprojo Member


  • Hi, I used to be in a same boat as you partner does, and i had reached a condition where i have to give up on working out due to diarrhea and muscle fatigue, even these situation did not stopped me from excercising and keep on running and do a lots of power lifting. However the thing that really changed me is that i…
  • Hi samantha, I've been in your position, but i manage to changed. I was 115 kilograms and after 2 years i'm 81 kilograms (used to be 75 kg's though, but decided to gain muscles and reached sixpack) hopefully i can be a supportive person to reach your goals.
  • Well after losing 40 kg's with a combination of healthy diet and workout, i loose 23% body fat and an increase for the quality of the sperm. One thing is obvious endurance increases and longer erection.