aleldo Member


  • Most of what I have read says that you should not restrict calories at all during the first 2 months post partum if youre breastfeeding as you want to secure a good milk supply but after that it looks like 2,200 is a good calorie point if youre moderately active. I am due in 2 weeks with my second and have gained A LOT…
  • I am still pregnant (36.5 weeks) but I have already gained 45 pounds. I am using MFP now to make sure I get enough calories and protein without too much excess so I don't gain too much these last few weeks and will certainly be looking for a community after the baby comes to help. I'd like to lose 50-60 pounds over the…
  • I am 21 weeks pregnant with my first child and have maintained my vegan lifestyle throughout. I would definitely recommend incorporating lots of healthy fats from nuts and avocados! I eat all kings of nuts and seeds but I really like to eat walnuts because of the omega-3s. Good luck with everything!
  • This was a very timely post for me. I have been struggling with binge eating all week (and truthfully, my entire adult life). In the moment, it feels so good and then the intense feelings of regret and shame sink in. In the past, these feelings of regret and shame would lead to further self-destructive behavior. In the…