st3ph07 Member


  • Tomorrow will be Day 3 of week 2 for me! I LOVE insanity. But also need some motivation! I haven't had ANY weight loss. Which is a little discouraging, But I notice my body toning up and my love handles shrinking, So that's good enough for me for now! Hang in there! We can do this!
  • Omg i LOVE zumba!!! I use it with my xbox kinect. And for the 60 minute class i usually burn around 1200-1300 calories. I would like to take an actual class when i have the time.
    in zumba fans? Comment by st3ph07 May 2012
  • Always have gum on hand. The new dessert ones help me out a lot, i have 3 kids too 3 and under so i know what you mean. Or just go to a seperate room close the door and just rest your mind and nerves, that will help you refocus. Good luck!:smile: