Looking for Insanity friends....

Hi everyone, I need some motivation with Insanity. Anyone else out there doing this program? I completed the 2nd fit test and even tested got worse on two of the exercises!! I chalked it up to just having a bad day--I wasn't at my best. But, since then it's been tough to get going. Throw in a quick weekend getaway and the motivation to keep going is tougher.

On the positive side, I love how muscle tone is improving, and my legs and shoulders are looking better. No weight loss yet...but I am hoping that will kick in gear in the next couple weeks.


  • jafc21
    jafc21 Posts: 3 Member
    I love Insanity and just started the second month. I found with the first month I lost some muscle tone. Previously I had been doing free weights twice a week. So for the second month I am doing Insanity one day and my weights the next. Insanity is tough and some days I feel like I spend more time taking breaks during it than I actually work out.
  • I'm a little over two weeks into Insanity and it really is insane. I make sure to not compare myself to the people on the video, who are extremely fit and are still having problems keeping up. I just try my best and even when I feel like I've taken a lot of breaks, I realize how much I'm sweating and that it's still a beast workout. Even when you think you might've had a bad day, it's still a really good exercise. I've been gaining more muscle than losing weight, contrary to what I had expected, but people have told me that the majority of the weight loss is from Month 2.
  • salad_tramp
    salad_tramp Posts: 13 Member
    I have heard that month two gets better with the weight lost.

    I feel like my legs and rear are bulking up though---granted, they look better- but my pants are still tight! that's the frustrating part.
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I just started it yesterday. Feel free to add me :)
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    I have less than 2 weeks until I'm done Insanity! Can't wait until that final day :)

    Anyone can feel free to add me! Keep it up!! It's worth the sweat!
  • Veslus
    Veslus Posts: 72 Member
    I'm on the last day of the recovery week. Feel free to add me!
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    I'm in my 5th week of Insanity and love it... During my Fit Test I shed 3 inches off my waist and an inch from my legs, hips and thigs. It's all in the mind, once you have your mind made up nothing should/would get in the way of working out. I even plan to take my DVD's w/me when I travel to Florida. I've also added Yoga on Sunday's to help with stretching. Anyone can add me as a friend.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    I hate insanity.
    I can run 3,4sometimes 5 miles,play basketball for 2 hours
    Yet I can't finish one workout?
  • Don't be discouraged, it's called Insanity for a reason. I worked my way into it by incorporating the Plyometric Cardio Circuit into my normal routine. So one day a week, instead of doing what normal cardio I do, I did a round of Insanity. This warmed my body up and got me both physically and mentally ready to dive into the full routine. Maybe this will work for you.
  • st3ph07
    st3ph07 Posts: 3 Member
    Tomorrow will be Day 3 of week 2 for me! I LOVE insanity. But also need some motivation! I haven't had ANY weight loss. Which is a little discouraging, But I notice my body toning up and my love handles shrinking, So that's good enough for me for now! Hang in there! We can do this!
  • First week I lost 5 pounds, second week gained 2 pounds....I'm assuming the first week was just water weight maybe. I definitely look smaller and I have a lot more muscle. Everyone says the actual weight loss comes in the second month. I think our muscles are just in shock from how intense Insanity is and they have to get adjusted.
  • Insanity is definately addicting. I did the program a few months ago and I think by doing it it influenced me more to push myself to give it that extra effort. I mix up the exercise routines sometimes. I tried Insanity Asylum I know it sounds intimidating but its not Shaun T does continue to whoop your *kitten* in it but its a good program. There is a new one that just came out T-25 that's similar except the exercise routines are only 25 minutes rather than the 45 minutes in the others. If anyone has an interest in any of the Beachbody video exercise programs (P90x, Insanity, Brazilian Butt Lift, T-25, Body Beast) message me.
  • I need to lose weight, mostly on my arms and around my tummy area. I just graduated college and have not been in the gym for a while. I started eating more healthy last week with a running/ walking on the treadmill for half an hour. I hate the treadmill. My family has the insanity videos at home and decided I would try it out. Today i did the fitness test and I could not even finish a set of the work out. I am a little worried that I will get tired too quickly when i start the actual workout and wont lose weight. My birthday is in two weeks and I want to lose at least 5 more lbs by then. Should I just continue with the treadmill or will insanity help me lose that 5lbs?
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    I love insanity! Here is some motivation for those of you who just started and was wondering about Month two....That is when my metabolism went into high gear and all the changes started to really become apparent. Actually, it was during the recovery week - in between month 1 and month 2 when I all of a sudden I started to lose weight and feel really good. I felt so good I added some weight training and a couple of runs/hikes into my recovery week! Then when month 2 started - be prepared to have your butt seriously whipped! But - if you hang in there - and just take it one day at a time, the results are awesome. I am fighting middle age metabolism slow down big time and also am hypothyroid so I must exercise everyday for the rest of my life or else I will be fat and miserable. But, for the first time in many years my muffin top is almost gone and my abs have some shape and my arms look toned - and I was never able to achieve this with weight training alone. Insanity did it and I will probably incorporate it into my life forever now. Keep at it folks - it really does work. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Jesskeepmoving
    Jesskeepmoving Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am on day 3 of Insanity and so far so good. I am finding that I feel like I need a little pick me up! I want to start working out at the gym at night since I do Insanity in the morning. Does anyone else do anything more than insanity? If so do you find it exteremly difficult?
  • Im on day 4 of insanity. I glad Im not the only one that has to take breaks lol
    I am hypothyroid and have a hart time losing weight. Hoping this program works for me
  • I did my day 1 cardio today and found it beyond difficult! I cannot do a push up to save my life so I skipped that entire section. I am not giving up though. I purchased a heart rate monitor today and a jump rope and decided to jump rope during the push up sections. Feel free to friend me.
  • I'm about to get started on Insanity. I will be purchasing the program tomorrow and hoping to start next week. I'm a bit scared... lol
  • sav3175
    sav3175 Posts: 47
    I did insanity and lost almost 40lbs and a crap load of inches the one thing to remember is that you dont have to keep up with the ppl on tv shaun t says it himself form over speed you will get results just have to stick with it im doing his new one right now t25 and im loving it but im a shaun t fan lol please feel free to add me if you want :)
  • Once I get the program, I would be doing the same as you. Being that Insanity is mostly HIIT cardio, I'm incorporating weight lifting with the program. I don't wanna lose any muscle mass