

  • I've had the same problem my entire life, I teeter totter with weight i go up some, lose a heap then go up. I am finding it difficult to figure out what works. This is working for me. I just have to have people who help. You start on your own, but need a support group to keep you going in this situation. I am on the right…
  • I am doing that. I was just wondering if anyone had any success with that. Seeing as i have a 6month supply of it for free. I did a bit of research on it but like Absref71 said, Would be better if they had a long term side effect study somewhere.
  • My dad said it seemed to be working, but he just kept forgetting to use it and stopped all together after about a month or so.
  • I am still fairly new myself. I signed up back-in march with full intents on logging in everyday but went to Australia for 3 months and lost track. I am back on schedule. You can add me as a friend and that will help keeping you on track. I have found that having people post on your comments/exercise/food intake all gives…
  • I too joined a while ago and lost track of everything. I'm on a mission to get healthy for myself and my family. Add me as a friend so we can all help keep each other on track :D