I was overweight my whole life growing up. My mom was always overweight too. It's hard to hear suggestions from a person that isn't following them themselves, so good for you for being a good example. Like other people have said, she knows she's overweight and doesn't need you pointing that out to her. It is really…
In my not so great experience, but experience nonetheless...don't wake up that sugar monster. Even if it's pizza, there is sure to be some sort of sugar in the sauce or the crust and once you open that door it is hard to get it closed again. I am just now starting to get things back under control after over a month of…
I didn't get to watch the video because I am at work, but it seems as though it isn't a very flattering depiction of Jillian...and I don't care. I love her and there is nothing anyone can say to change that!
THIS is TOTALLY me! I am the exact same way. Nuts and nut butters are a food without brakes for me! I have an unopened jar of almond butter in my cubbord, and I think I am going to keep it that way! I still buy pistachios, but I always try to take them straight to work and portion them out there. I leave them there so that…
I follow a paleo diet. The reason I started doing this instead of just watching my calories is that I had some, let's call them "digestive" issues last summer and eating like this was the only thing that made me feel better. After I was over my issues, I tried introducing these things back into my diet and was…
OMG! Thanks for the laugh! This was excellent!
Oh boy... To the Original Poster: If you have any more questions I would recommend joining us over in the Paleo/Primitive Group and asking anything else there on that discussion board. Though there have been a few people that have given you some good advice on here, there will always be others that are super passionately…
OMG can I sympathize about the Pooch of Doom! (Great title by the way! Drew me right in.) I have lost over 100 pounds and that damned pooch is still hanging around (literally unfortunately...). I have taken up heavy lifting since the first of the year and do loads of other exercises and cardio...moisturize...its getting…
Thanks for the replys. I get that 5k isn't really all that far, I have just been eating so little this week up to this point, I don't want to miss my chance for a new personal record tomorrow. I just want to feel like superwoman!
what article are you talking about?
Do you work with me? LOL! I feel like pretty much everything you said about your co-worker someone has said about me. I don't consider myself anywhere near needing any kind of intervention as far as getting too thin. I think like a lot of other posters have said, that you probably have a distorted view of your co-worker…
What kind of dance are you doing? :huh: LOL!
I haven't read all of the reply's but in response to the original question, I know what you mean on the tailbone thing. I too am nowhere near "thin" and I feel like my tailbone kind of sticks out and makes it hard to sit sometimes too. I can actually feel where it ends back there without much difficulty. I think that maybe…
Haven't read everyone's responses, but in response to the original question: no I haven't kept mine and I could not be happier about it! As someone who has had to deal with having big breasts my whole life. I am elated to finally be a more normal size where I can buy cute bras with small straps and not have my chest hurt…
THIS was EXCELLENT! Thanks for sharing!
Am I the only one that will admit to being a "Plastic" Jillian Michael's Junkie? (I'm going to see her in Chicago next Friday...squeeee!) I would also consider myself a clean eater and a lifter (nerdy jock?). So, the big question...who are our Valedictorian, and Homecoming King and Queen?
I agree with the above poster in that, for me pre-mealing before you go anywhere that the food is going to be questionable is always the way to go! It will also help you to start to make the transition to going to social events for the social aspect of things and not for the food. Eat before you go!
I started my first Whole 30 this year on St. Patrick's day and loved how it made me feel so much...I'm still doing it! I'm on day 44! Good Luck!
I haven't read all of the responses, so I apologize if this has already been said, but here is my two cents: If you want to really kick your sugar addiction, you need to get rid of sugar altogether in your diet. No sugar substitutes, no fake sweet recipies, just no sugar, period. Even try to eat fruit sparingly. The only…
Veg...lots and lots of veg!
Ok good. At least I'm not alone. LOL Dorothy! YOU'RE crazy! So that's why you never rest...
Interesting... I wonder if I'm the only one sticking it out? LOL!
OMG, this! I wish I had this problem!
Congratulations! Very funny post! I always enjoy a well worded witty post. I wish that I had the legs for shorts. No matter how much weight I lose, I don't think I will EVER feel comfortble in shorts!
Sweet! Looking forward to maybe experiencing the same thing myself!
So, because cleaning ISN'T part of my daily routine and only do it periodically, does that mean I can log it as exercise? LMAO!
LOL on "extra scoop"!
Does everyone else agree?