

  • I am such a sucker for pb. Spreads in general but it all starts with good old smooth peanut butter! My fave; Spoon of pb and then dive into the nutella. This is ruining me... I have never ever measured pb out or incorporated it into a meal bcause i know i couldnt handle the temptation of eating 1/2 jar.
  • Stop killing yourself. You, yourself make it worse if you go on like this. Your body needs food and food is fuel. Have you been seeking for help? It is only logic to get this symptom if your body doesnt get what it needs. Do you expperience extrem hunger? Or do you avoid it? Those are all sympton that your body is crying…
  • I havent had my period in almost two years now.. I am eating healthy again, am at a healthy weight, not smoking etc. I went to see my doctor in May, she then prescribed me some Calcimagon D3. Only elder people usually use this but due to my lacking food intake my Calcium isnt that great. She told me to just wait and to…
  • I usually binge on Sumdays.. It starts with one PBJ, which I'd never eat during Monday to Saturday. Then I lose control, I'll eat about 3 bowls of cereal, uncontrolled Peanut butter out of the jar, Nutella, chocolat, cinnamon rolls, deli meat, actually everything that's on the counter or in the fridge. I'll end up feeling…
    in binging Comment by healthyk96 April 2012