Starvation Mode

Hello! I want to introduce myself, since I am new to the myfitnesspal boards! I am hoping that some of you members can help me. I feel like I have been putting my body into starvation mode for the past two years. I started having menstrual irregularities years ago, which led to some bloodwork being done last summer. My results showed a low T4, free and high cholesterol. I had some weight gain (about 5-10 pounds), and I just could not seem to lose the weight no matter how much I would exercise and how little I would eat. I would walk 5-10 miles/ day and eat a restricted calorie and fat diet. I was always cold and fatigued and seemed to have some of the signs of hypothyroidism. After more rounds of bloodwork, with all my levels coming back normal except the T4 and cholesterol, I finally went to see an endocrinologist in December. At this point, I was feeling back to normal, my periods had returned, and I had lost most of the weight that I gained back. My symptoms started again this summer. Around June, I began feeling fatigued and exhausted all the time- not being able to make it through a shopping trip to WalMart without feeling like I needed a nap! I always have cold hands/feet, my hair began falling out, and I started having severe mood problems. My breast have also grown 3 cup sizes since last year- I went from an A to a D! I had once again gained about 5-10 pounds. I went back to the doctor, and they decided to do an ultrasound of my ovaries which revealed cysts on both ovaries. I was put diagnosed with PCOS and put on birth control pills to correct any menstrual issues. More bloodwork was also run which showed, once again, low T3, free and T4, free levels. My cortisol has been tested and came back normal. After months of persisting and rounds of bloodwork, and endocrinologist finally diagnosed me with a thryoid issue, and I have been on Levothyroxin for about 1 week now. I am beginning to wonder, however, if I have caused all of these problems myself. My calorie count is always low- I have tried to keep it low because I worry about my weight gain. I also exercise a ton, especially during the summer; as I mentioned before, I walk between 5-10 miles/day. I believe that I may not have hypothyroidism at all, but maybe that I have thrown my body into a state of starvation that is not allowing me to lose weight and may be causing my low thyroid levels. Has this happened to anybody else? I would really appreciate any help an advice!


  • healthyk96
    Stop killing yourself. You, yourself make it worse if you go on like this. Your body needs food and food is fuel. Have you been seeking for help? It is only logic to get this symptom if your body doesnt get what it needs. Do you expperience extrem hunger? Or do you avoid it? Those are all sympton that your body is crying out for food. Pleas make a change. Healthy feels a lot better.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Who knows, too many factors to say. Are you recording what you eat in your food journal? If your going to ask questions like this than you should give people the info they need like your height, weight, and open food journal ect. But I seriously doubt you will find a more qualified answer on a calorie count blog as opposed to the numerous doctors that har been running blood test on ya. If it makes you feel better to read people's opinions than so be it.