ketorager Member


  • I had stones as well, but the story that I read is that they developed from high carb diets, specifically things with sugar. At any rate, I do the coffee with coconut oil, which is supposed to be digested without the need to involve the gall bladder, and have had not flare-ups since I started on keto. Please get well, and…
  • I weigh myself once a day, after waking up. The whole purpose is not to consistently check on a measure that a tool is providing, and to react accordingly if I see changes that appear as a trend. The scale is simply that, a tool, and the interpretation of its measurements is up to you. I like data, and to be able to use it…
  • Ketogenic diets work by restricting the number of carbs you eat, typically only 5% of your total caloric intake, and taking in 30% protein and 65% fat. These retrains the body to use fats as fuel, and if you are also pairing it with some small caloric deficit, you will lose weight. The great thing about the keto is that…