

  • I would say that I'm a sugar/food addict in recovery. In my own personal experience, it's been a huge coping mechanism that I have struggled with my whole life. Thanks to MFP, I can see how much food/sugar I'm taking in daily. Now that I've cut way down on sugar, I don't actually crave it as much. I also use other…
  • Wow, can I relate to your frustration! I think that weight loss is not a one size fits all and you have to find what works best for you. With that in mind. here's what i have found works for me. My calories per day are 1400. When I dip down to 1200, my body basically says "oh, gonna starve me huh? well no weight loss for…
  • No, you are not being paranoid ~ she's jealous and doesn't know how to express it. Instead she's immature and "passive/agressive" in her commenting style. I've personally called out a few women over the years on their behavior only to be told "oh, you're just too sensitive" or "I was just kidding, can't you take a joke"?…