

  • Hi everyone! We have gained a lot of new members in the last week. I just joined mfp last week. I was doing great until the weekend hit. That is always a struggle-hubbie is not into all this fitness stuff. I am trying to get him to start using our Bowflex Sport though because he is loosing muscle tone in his arms. He is…
  • I lkie the Tiffany Rothe workouts on You Tube also. And it is free, so how good is that? has some free programs on there also. Good luck.
  • I just typed hiking into the exercise log for 45 minutes and it said at my weight that for that long I would burn 504 calories!!! So I would guess that your monitor is pretty accurate. I am looking for something to measure distance walked...any suggestions?
  • Zumba is the new craze and I have heard some positive things about it but have not tried it myself. Putting on some fast music and just dancing is what I do. There a ton of DVDs at that are pretty cheap. I usually buy mine there. Hope you find what you want. Good luck!
  • You would have to do some serious weight training to bulk up. It is important to do some weight training to gain strength and get shapely. Muscle weighs more that fat but takes up less room. Muscle burns more calories than fat also. You can start by using your own weight for resistance, such as push ups, squats, walking.…
  • Hi! I am new also. A few years ago I lost 30 pounds and was in good shape. I walked 4 or 5 days a week and did strength training 3 days a week. I have a Bowflex but free weights are just as useful. There are a ton of good DVDs out there. Collage Video has some of the best and good prices too. Just putting on some music and…
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