HeathrBee Member


  • Thank you for sharing. I wish you and your family the best as you handle your Dad's care. Your story is similar to mine with my Dad. His whole family has struggled with diabetes (2 of his sisters have died, another brother and sister are living/suffering with it). For some reason, he has really been the only one to tackle…
  • Being healthy is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Choose your hard.
  • I just got one over the weekend for my birthday. I synced it with myfitnesspal, but still trying to figure out how to make sure I'm logging everything correctly and not double-counting exercise calories. I'm sure there's advice somewhere on here, just haven't searched yet. Overall it's a pretty cool little gizmo!
  • You look great! I also have stretch marks on my upper arms from when I gained weight quickly in college. They're old now, so it's just the silvery scars, but they go from my armpit almost down to my elbow on the inside of my arms, and there is flab and puckering because I don't have good muscle tone.....yet! I NEVER go…
  • I've just spent 3 weeks away from the office over the holidays and, surprise surprise, my lower back pain finally went away. After a few hours back in my chair I can feel little twinges of it coming back. I catch myself having really awful posture at my desk. I tend to have my chair set really low, which forces my…
  • Nice one! I've caught sight of myself in those security images before and was not happy!