

  • Thanks to all of our veterans who gave so much for us at home. Continue to pray for our soldiers who keep us safe each day. GOD BLESS THE USA!!
  • Thank you so much for your service to this country!! The freedoms we have come from the brave men who fight for them. You look amazing also!!
  • The first time I met my husband he was sitting in a truck and told me to come to his side so he could ask me something. He asked why don't you sit on my lap and we will talk about the first thing that pops up? That was the first pick up line ever used on me and we will be married 16 years in October. Ahhh young love:love:
  • bump bump bump
    in Gifs! Comment by svwalter August 2012
  • You are not getting enough protein in your diet. A nutritionist said you need to have enough protein or that would happen. Good luck and God Bless You!!
  • Thank You for your service to our country without you we would not have the freedoms we have. May God bless all our troops and their families!!!
  • I eat pure protein protein bars and they have: chocolate: 180 calories and 20 g protein 2g sugar Peanut butter: 200 calories 20g protein 2g sugar chocolate chip: 200 calories 20g protein 2g sugar I buy them from Sams Club you get all three in one box which is 18 bars for 18.00 they are regularly 6.99 box. 6 bars come in a…
  • I started yesterday and only made it through the fitness level test. I have been working out for months and it showed me how weak :noway: I really am. Trying to figure out how to do a pushup must less a jumping jack style pushup lol.. I will keep trying until I am able to do it like they do though. My ten year old did…
  • It took me about 3 months to find what I liked. I went through the internet, friends, magazines, coworkers etc.. It is also said that once you get one you want another and another. I only have the one and it has been almost 3 years since I got it. Good Luck.
  • You are only as old as you feel. I am going to start it tomorrow so pray for me lol. You can do it!!!
  • I have seen a lot of people post about these but not sure exactly what it is or how it works?? Not replying properly not sure how to make this show under the person I am responding to. so this is about the heart monitor
  • I have not started yet will be starting tomorrow. I am excited because I am tired of the treadmill I was up to 60 minutes and over 1000 calories burned with an incline of 15 and 3.8mph. I also lift weights at gym.
  • Even after only drinking water and exercising strength training and cardio I still have tons of loose skin. So am not sure my age may have something to do with it or the fact I have struggled with weight my whole life. It sucks because I have muscles on my arms but of course the first thing a persons eye catches is the…
  • love it you look great!!!!
  • My nutritionist said to get atleast 60g of protein a day. Eat meat first then vegetables then eat carbs on your plate. Protein is needed to keep from losing muscle and hair. I hope this helps.
  • In 2006 I weighed 320 pounds. I was tired of not being able to do anything. I started dieting and over 2 years I lost down to 165 pounds. I stayed cold all the time and started losing hair. The doctor put me on synthroid for hypothyroidism. I started gaining weight and no matter what I did I still gained weight I hit my…
  • Sometimes you have to do what is best for you not what the rest of the world is doing. I wish you the best and you will make it across the country in an airplane and enjoy every minute of how far you came to sit in that seat.