

  • I completely agree with you. no one ever says, hey your putting on weight, watch your health. but as soon as you lose some weight, BAM you hear the niggly comments come out...aww your losing so much weight, you feeling alright.......well actually, yes, feeling so much better and healthier than before, but people just don't…
  • Are you drinking plenty of water; pure natural water helps flush out any toxins etc and helps your digestive system. dry drinking more water. Fat is broken down and passed through urine, not the other way round. so if you drink more water, you will encourage your digestive system and get it going again to help you lose the…
  • The flavour of the virgin oil most definately depends on which country the olive trees are grown from. what a shame to use good olive oil to cook with when it has so many benefits raw. I use vegtable oil, but use it sparingly, I always top my cooked food with a drizzle of good ol extra virgin olive oil, cos adds a…
  • Extra virgin olive oil is always best when used raw, ie salads, or pouring over cooked foods for flavour. I never cook with olive oil. especially if you use for frying.... that is when it becomes calorific.
  • Definately a turning point in our lives for us women. and I definately agree with rbriggs; Menopause not a need be a death sentence and we don't have to settle for the spare tires that have suddenly appeared around our middles. I for one am going to fight every step of the way to stay healthy, active and feeling good. I…
  • I know my answer will upset a few members here, but I do agree with you. Basically, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT - if you eat excessively, the extra calories need to go somewhere, so they stick around, our lower parts of the bodies, ie bottoms, thighs and tummys. Eating less with some exercise, (don't need to go mad), not only…
  • ob dear, i really am not looking forward to the bumpy ride. I have cut out wheat/sugar/carbs and just trying the high protein, fruit and veg, but the weight is stubborn and hangs on. I have only been on this site for 3 weeks myself and have only lost 4lb. i am trying to change my lifestyle also and adding more activity, ie…
  • awwww no Nessa, I am so struggling to loose weight. It looks like i have a hard and bumpy road ahead of me. i hoped that if I lost enough weight , It may not be so bad. Would drinking lots of water help me in any way not gaining the weight. Can I ask if you were counting your calories before your menopause, or have you…
  • you can start by removing all starches and wheat from your foods and see if that makes any difference. try the healthy option when choosing your food. if you must eat wheat, then opt for a sweet potatoe instead of the usual white and wholemeal instead of white bread and pasta and same for rice. eat more fruit and veg and…
  • Do you have any NHS Walk In Centres near to you, if so, I would suggest a visit there. They will be able to advise you and also register your file with your GP, as the WIC are all linked in Good Luck
  • what a great inspiration you are. I am 50 and had the same problem. I have also cut out all starches/carbs and dairy and feel so much better in myself. I feel less tired and less lethagic and appear to have more energy. WTG
  • I have removed all starch from my diet and although my weight loss is very slow, I am feeling much better in myself. i have more energy and feel less lethargic. starches and whole grains just bloated me out and now I feel less bloated and my clothes feel extra comfortable. I don't eat potatoes anymore, but I do eat sweet…
  • you should be able to still eat what everyone in the family eats, just give yourself smaller portion sizes. Drink lots of water before each meal. see if that makes any differences. I also agree, you need to be more accurate when diarising your food and making sure you choose the right ones/brands and the correct measures.
  • scrummy, ive got to try this receipe. thankyou for sharing
  • Essex, London
  • Essex, London
  • Hey Pasha, feel free to add me in.
  • you look great. 15lb is an amazing loss. Go girl. reach that goal you look brilliant in your bikini.
  • fennel - either raw, mixed with salad or roasted with other veg.
  • ohh yum. thanks for sharing this. will try this out
  • try pulling in your stomach muscles and hold for as long as you can while still breathing. you can eve do this while your walking. it helps your posture too.
  • anyone quick question do I weigh my pasta/rice raw or after its cooked.
  • i'm 5'2. and started MFP at 168. I am now 165. my goal is to reach 140. ahhhh that would be a dream...
  • feel free to add me in. i'm 5' 2
  • thank you Olong for your encouragement. My thoughts were that by weighing daily, its a more controlled method and the weight is less likely to pile on and is more encouraging when you see the line move downwards. I have only managed to loose 1lb in two weeks.grrrrrrrrrr
  • ok. last night I measured everything with the new weight watchers scale I bought yesterday. I weighed myself this morning and I hav'nt lost anything. According to my food diary, I still had 100 cals remaining, which I did not use, so I was expecing to see a drop in the scales this morning, but to my surprise, the digit…
  • thanks everyone, you've all been a great help. I've been doing all wrong, so hopefully I should be on track now.:smile:
  • thank you - much clearer. will invest in a scale now and post the results at the end of the week. I was only going by eye measurements, what looked the right portion size thank you again
  • thank you. I'm still confused. do you weigh all your foods for each meal ie. breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do you weigh as a whole or each individual food and then pile on your plate