Furbzzz Member


  • Are you having any restricted items at all? If so the peanut butter bar is BOMB! Even off the program I still eat them. I also like to make a soup from the potato puree packet. I will just use chicken stock instead of water, and make it a soup consistency. On day that im near a stove my favourite thing to do is boil…
  • Do you ever drink protein shakes as a snack or as part of a meal? If so you are buying someones magic shake too if you think that this company claims their shakes to be magic. They do not claim anything outlandish about them, just that they provide you with X amount of protein if you should chose to have one. They are not…
  • I think people who are not on the diet or have never done the diet should stop doling out their facts on what the program is. Sarcastic bull is not what people come here to read. First of all, it is not a high protein diet. It is based on an ideal amount of protein to maintain lean muscle mass, and the packets exist…