

  • Remember you must increase your fat intake, moderate protein, very important if you restricting carbs to that level. Otherwise when you go in to ketosis, you won't have any dietary fat to burn. Yes you will burn your own fat, but not at first. Besides you want to eat during this initial stage.
  • I am new also, just over a month. I haven't felt this good in a long time. After 2 to 3 weeks I started adding nuts and low sugar fruits, not much, just enough to raise my carbs to about 40 - 50g. I am doing this for mostly health reasons, but I was reading about carb cycling to speed up weight loss. Something you might…
  • That is from the 2 week induction phase of Atkins. It's a good idea to read up on the proper way to use this diet and know the inherent flaws that come with it. It's hard to stay on it for most and it should become a life style, not a diet. Also, the idea is not to eat a higher amount of protein vs fat. Fat is good in this…