Low carb, high protein.... HELP !!!



  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    u need to eat less than 20 gm of carbs per day in order to lose 8-10 lbs a month. no bread, no potatoes, rice and pasta. the only fruits are raspberry, blue berries, strawberries and granny smith apples. they are low in carb. also, Kroger's grocery store has a low carb brand of yogurt called carb master. it has only 5 gm of carbs. hope this helps.

    :noway: I don't even know where to start in responding to this post.

    Don't listen to it. At all.
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    u need to eat less than 20 gm of carbs per day in order to lose 8-10 lbs a month. no bread, no potatoes, rice and pasta. the only fruits are raspberry, blue berries, strawberries and granny smith apples. they are low in carb. also, Kroger's grocery store has a low carb brand of yogurt called carb master. it has only 5 gm of carbs. hope this helps.

    :noway: I don't even know where to start in responding to this post.

    Don't listen to it. At all.

    Just don't.
    That is incorrect data. Would love to know where it came from.

    I have been here since May 30, and only recently set my carbs to 122.
    Since that time I have lost over 30lbs. I estimated that I have lost between 6 & 7 pounds per month.
    Pretty good though I know I am just starting out and it will decline... just the same.. that post makes NO sense!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know if I would do a program where you are going <100 gr / day.

    You are asking for a binge day.....

    The only time I would say do that, is for maybe 2 weeks at most....and then start adding back in some carbs slowly.....

    But I would just moderate your carb intake on a daily basis....
    So if before you were at >250 gr/ day.
    Then try to get ~200 gr/day.....try it for 2 - 3 weeks, and see where you are.

    I stay under 100 eating minimal starchy carbs. I'm quiet happy at less than 100 a day and I don't binge. I have gone under 50 for several days for a deplete and THAT was a killer... but not all low carb is "bad"

    low carb is defined as any diet under at or under 20% carb. I- along with many other people- are quiet happy at with a 40/40/20. I get plenty of carbs from my veggies- I hit my macro's pretty well and I'm quiet serious about my training.

    I may be misreading this for low carb = bad vs a suggesting tapering rather than going full tilt- but for some people it works differently- I cut wheats/breads/grains out entirely cold turkey and did just fine- but I'd been building my discipline with other "challenges".

    It works differently for different people. on average I agree going for an adjustment rather than cold turkey- but some people are perfectly capable of doing it. (That being said I did not fair as well with sugars- that was much harder and after my 6 week challenge I was absolutely at Friendly's eating a HUGE hunka chunka peanut butter lava fudge thing... but bread... not so at all and no- I didn't feel guilty at all :D )

    i'd also like to point out... trainers are not nutritionists and you should take what they say with a grain of salt ( or a french fry ... or a shake.. whatever your poison. LOL)
  • LaLa5580
    Ok, the person that said they are limiting their carbs to 122 a day and has been here since May 30. You seem to be a person I need to listen to as far as what I can or cannot eat
  • LaLa5580
    Yes, i plan to get a nutritionist very soon. I'm not certain if what I am doing is working or not. It's just been 6 days so far. And a lot more days to go. ;)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I did low carb/loose Atkins diet for a long time and I ate a banana with breakfast every day and I lost. If you read Atkins they introduce berries first since they are lower carb compared to other fruits. Don't listen to what the quack said about granny smith apples or about eating less than 20g of carbs a day. Atkins induction (the 1st phase) is TWO WEEKS and you eat up to 25g per day. If what you have been doing works for you, great. I stayed very good for 8 months and lost 90 pounds. I don't know what people are saying about a binge day. Did I eat carbs every now and then after I was Atkins for awhile like tortillas or ice cream? Yes, but did I "binge"? No.

    Two apples and two bananas in a day are alot of carbs for your friend, and fruits aren't "free"...there are still calories in fruit even if you aren't doing low carb.
  • jkgraff
    That is from the 2 week induction phase of Atkins. It's a good idea to read up on the proper way to use this diet and know the inherent flaws that come with it. It's hard to stay on it for most and it should become a life style, not a diet. Also, the idea is not to eat a higher amount of protein vs fat. Fat is good in this arena. Once your used to eating GOOD fats, adding in carbs can be a problem if done incorrectly.. you would want to stay low, well below 100 if possible and introduce low glycemic fruits and of course nuts after the 2 weeks. This setup is for burning fat instead of carbs in a ketogenic state. Also, eating this way reduces hunger and automatically reduces caloric intake.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Well IMO is not High Protien/Low Carb. You're protien macro stays where it needs to be; it's steady. You're eating either High Fat/Low Carb or Low fat/High Carb. The body needs either fat or carbs for energy. If you're doing High protien/low fat/low carb you're seriously stressing your body and soon you'll be complaining about a lack of results.

    FYI getting you fat intake up and keeping ALL carbs between 50-100 is hard, but in my experience it's my magic zone for weight loss.

    A diff trainer may help.

    My opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.

    This is. Moderate protein. If you're going low-carb, you need high fat for energy. Also, this is just a personal thing, but I try not to eat fruit alone as a snack. I try to balance all meals (a snack is a mini-meal) with some fat, protein and carb.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Yes, i plan to get a nutritionist very soon. I'm not certain if what I am doing is working or not. It's just been 6 days so far. And a lot more days to go. ;)

    Everyone is different, so after a couple of weeks, you may find that you run better on 75g of carbs, or 125... make small adjustments every 2-3 weeks to see what works best for you.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I don't know if I would do a program where you are going <100 gr / day.

    You are asking for a binge day.....

    The only time I would say do that, is for maybe 2 weeks at most....and then start adding back in some carbs slowly.....

    But I would just moderate your carb intake on a daily basis....
    So if before you were at >250 gr/ day.
    Then try to get ~200 gr/day.....try it for 2 - 3 weeks, and see where you are.

    I stay under 100 eating minimal starchy carbs. I'm quiet happy at less than 100 a day and I don't binge. I have gone under 50 for several days for a deplete and THAT was a killer... but not all low carb is "bad"

    low carb is defined as any diet under at or under 20% carb. I- along with many other people- are quiet happy at with a 40/40/20. I get plenty of carbs from my veggies- I hit my macro's pretty well and I'm quiet serious about my training.

    I may be misreading this for low carb = bad vs a suggesting tapering rather than going full tilt- but for some people it works differently- I cut wheats/breads/grains out entirely cold turkey and did just fine- but I'd been building my discipline with other "challenges".

    It works differently for different people. on average I agree going for an adjustment rather than cold turkey- but some people are perfectly capable of doing it. (That being said I did not fair as well with sugars- that was much harder and after my 6 week challenge I was absolutely at Friendly's eating a HUGE hunka chunka peanut butter lava fudge thing... but bread... not so at all and no- I didn't feel guilty at all :D )

    i'd also like to point out... trainers are not nutritionists and you should take what they say with a grain of salt ( or a french fry ... or a shake.. whatever your poison. LOL)

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Veggies and meat? look up low carb vegetables I googled it and had a billion results.

    you could google how to tie shoelaces and find a billion results on google.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    I would stay under your calorie goal and you will lose weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't know if I would do a program where you are going <100 gr / day.

    You are asking for a binge day.....

    The only time I would say do that, is for maybe 2 weeks at most....and then start adding back in some carbs slowly.....

    But I would just moderate your carb intake on a daily basis....
    So if before you were at >250 gr/ day.
    Then try to get ~200 gr/day.....try it for 2 - 3 weeks, and see where you are.

    I stay under 100 eating minimal starchy carbs. I'm quiet happy at less than 100 a day and I don't binge. I have gone under 50 for several days for a deplete and THAT was a killer... but not all low carb is "bad"

    low carb is defined as any diet under at or under 20% carb. I- along with many other people- are quiet happy at with a 40/40/20. I get plenty of carbs from my veggies- I hit my macro's pretty well and I'm quiet serious about my training.

    I may be misreading this for low carb = bad vs a suggesting tapering rather than going full tilt- but for some people it works differently- I cut wheats/breads/grains out entirely cold turkey and did just fine- but I'd been building my discipline with other "challenges".

    It works differently for different people. on average I agree going for an adjustment rather than cold turkey- but some people are perfectly capable of doing it. (That being said I did not fair as well with sugars- that was much harder and after my 6 week challenge I was absolutely at Friendly's eating a HUGE hunka chunka peanut butter lava fudge thing... but bread... not so at all and no- I didn't feel guilty at all :D )

    i'd also like to point out... trainers are not nutritionists and you should take what they say with a grain of salt ( or a french fry ... or a shake.. whatever your poison. LOL)


    LOL thanks.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Ok, Last Tuesday I began a low carb, high protein diet. A friend of mine has a trainer that told her (then she told me), that you shouldn't eat processed foods, drink any caffeine, or have any potatoes or white bread, etc. Her trainer also said you can eat as much fruit as you want. This is where I am confused. Obviously, fruit is better to eat than a Snickers bar but it still has natural sugar and calories. I have been eating one to two small apples a day or one to two bananas a day for my snacks in between a light breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I need advice from someone that has did a low carb diet. I'm currently eating less than 100 grams of carbs per day. The average so far is about 60 a day.

    Well, why not try it for a month and see how it goes?

    Then you can re adjust to suit you if it doesn`t work.

    Every person is different, but if you want to lose weight in a healthy way and get a good tone for your body, then it really is about finding good nutrition and exercising.

    Sometimes you just have to learn :smile:
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Second hand information can often times get distorted. Also, you didn't say how much you wanted to lose, how much you weigh now, where you've set your other macros, and whether or not you're exercising (none, some, or lots)? Is your focus on weight loss only or health? Also, "about 60 g of carbs a day" is actually closer to half of 100, not just "under" 100 g a day.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    what is the difference between setting your carb limit at say 122, calories and 1220 and eating what you want... then exercising it all off?? I have been doing this for the past 4+ months and have lost 30,4oz. It appears to work for me.

    Yes, avoid the foods you KNOW are not good: greasy foods, high carb foods, etc etc.. but if you eat whatever you eat and then exercise it off, what is the difference??

    This is ok, as long as you don't overdo it. It's all too easy to tell yourself that it's ok to have something as long as you exercise it off. Then, you have more of it and/or don't wind up exercising that day and it becomes a norm. All that being said, see how you feel when you eat fruit. Take it out for 2+ weeks and then add it back in for 2+ weeks and see how you feel. I like to stay away from fruit in general (I just feel better when I stay low sugar - even natural sugar), but when I need something sweet, I definitely spring for an apple. Go with how you feel, not what anyone else tells you :)
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I did the original Atkins diet a bunch of years ago and yes all you could have in the induction phase was 20grams of carbs. At that time you had to purchase the book for additional information so I just continued doing the 20grams of carbs the entire time and lost a lot of weight. Needless to say that was short lived because when I started eating carbs again I gained 50 lbs of it back (Thank God it wasn't all of the weight) hence why I am on MFP so that I can learn to not deprive myself from any food but eat sensibly. All foods can be eaten in moderation.

    I ate a lot of meat, cheese eggs and green vegatables only. No fruit at all!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I did Atkins back in 2002-2003. I lost 86 pounds in a year and a quarter. I plateaued for a year and then slowly gained it all back. I ate a ton of bacon and other meats, cheeses, and then some vegetables, but rarely fruit or anything. In short, I was successful because i weighed 287 pounds when I started and was eating so much that by switching to this, I ate foods that made me feel full. But it only took me so far. Since I didn't make it a lifestyle change, I wasn't able to sustain it, and I didn't want to cut back any more when I finally plateaued and needed to decrease calories. I also felt like crap.

    I changed my lifestyle on February 23, 2013. I've lost 70 pounds. I'm averaging just under 10 pounds a month. I started at 291. I don't deny myself anything - I just make it fit my calorie goals. I also move more. I started out at 1360 calories per day, and with eating back exercise calories, and I let MFP set my macros, etc. I still pretty much do that, but I've figured out my TDEE and all that as well, so I have more knowledge this time. I pick foods I feel are better for me, but again, I don't deny myself anything - I just make sure I have the calories reserved for it.

    In short, I don't think you need to go low carb. Get a good balance that works for you is my advice. I love Dave's Killer Bread for my bread choice, and I don't hesitate to eat a bunch of fruit. I don't worry about going over my sugars if it is fruit pushing me over ;) If I started stalling out significantly again like I did 10 years ago, I'd look at readjusting or something, but denying yourself foods seems to be the surefire path to failure in the long-run.

    That said, if you are trying to do a true low carb diet, go research it at Atkins or some other site and find foods that fit. It doesn't sound like the person talking to you really understood a real low carb diet.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    "Low carb eating" requires counting ALL carbs and subtracting the FIBER to get your "net carbs". With that said, some veggies are also high carb, but the same rule applies for subtracting fiber. (I wish MFP showed net carbs) In theory, you are suppose to increase good fats as you decrease carbs.

    Being insulin resistant (pre-diabetic), I was instructed by my cardiologist to try a atkins style diet and keep carbs under 25/day. When I questioned the negative effects of being in ketosis, he told me he WANTED me in ketosis. That if I took supplements, kept protein moderate and drank tons of water - my kidneys should be fine. He was pretty adamant that my weight was a bigger health risk than doing a low-carb diet for a while to get things moving.

    With that said, I've only been doing this a few days. I have become very creative in the kitchen trying to keep the menu interesting, but I'm encouraged by the fact that my doctor supports this "diet". Yes, I used the D-word, because I realize it's not a long-term solution. I'm also unable to do much cardio right now, so I'm not burning carbs off like some people. At some point, I'll increase the carbs with more activity, after I've dropped another 20 lbs. Would probably still have to watch them as I don't burn off carbs/sugar like I'm supposed to.

    If you decide to low-carb, I would suggest taking two supplements that the cardiologist told me to take.
    METHYL B12

    I would also suggest eating "something" every 3-4 hrs to keep blood sugars level. Low blood sugar will drive cravings and binges.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    I would also suggest eating "something" every 3-4 hrs to keep blood sugars level. Low blood sugar will drive cravings and binges.

    If you are eating plenty of healthy fat, and low(ish) carb, your blood sugar shouldn't spike and eating that often is no longer necessary.