ljmcquade Member


  • I take the recommended calories for a 1lb per week loss and then add 500 because I'm exclusively breastfeeding.
  • I use cloth nappies - there are loads of site on the internet where you can get trial packs. I think there's one called the nappy lady who does a pack with lots of different makes in one pack.
  • eeek! Good luck ange :) On the breastfeeding and nappies front - my daughter regularly went 2+ weeks without a poop. Just before she started weaning, she went 21 days! She was feeding fine and wasn't uncomfortable. I did alot of baby massage and stuff to encourage her but she was just absorbing all the nutrients in the…
  • My partner does bath time with our daughter and I get 30mins wii fit while they're busy.
  • I wasn't showing at 19 weeks but I definitely am now! This is my second baby. I've been away from work for the last 6 weeks so a few people who don't know are going to get an eye full when we go back on friday lol.
  • I was on wii fit earier and the fitness tip today was about stress. It suggests that you do something fun like wii fit balance games. They're quick and take you're mind off food and the stress.
  • I'm in the UK and here gas and air (nitrous oxide) is the first line in possible pain relief and really common. I've just read a book by an American OB and he said that gas and air is hardly ever used in the US but it is available if you ask for it. He seemed to think this was because it's cheap and companies have no real…
  • BY natural child birth do you mean no pain relief at all? I just has gas and air with dd which was great. It didn't actually take the pain away but it made it easier to cope with. In the end I think I used it more for comfort and something to think about than actual pain relief. I really don't like the idea of an epidural…
  • Hello all. I'm a newbie on MFP. I'm 24 weeks with my second baby. My dd is 2. I put on 49lb during my first preg. Lost alot during the birth but put 14lb back on straight away. I really don't want to fall into that trap this time. last time I was about 126lb pre preg. This time I was 141lb. I really don't want to put on as…