

  • I have only lost 10lbs and am now stuck. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, with the callories that I'm taken in I should be loseing I'm at 1200cal a day and excercize 3 to 4 days a week. I have no idea what to do now just like you. any help out there would be apreciated :)
    in plateau... Comment by avilam April 2009
  • I try really hard to work out for 30min on my cross trainer three X a week. Yesterday I went for a really fast paised waik/jog, if the weather gets better, I will definitly do it more often. I am just so frusterated it seems like my body knows that I am trying to lose the extra insulation and it's saying no, no I'm too…
    in Hello! Comment by avilam April 2009
  • I did'nt realize I was that over weight until I got an ultrasound about two months ago and it came out that I have fatty lines on my liver, thats when I took it seriously I weighed about 180 lbs, now I weigh 170lbs, but I am stuck here and cannot seem to move from there (HELP)!
    in Hello! Comment by avilam April 2009
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