

  • Remember it is easier to take calories out of your life through food than it is to burn them off through exercise. You can easily cut out 500 calories, but it would take you walking about 5 miles to do the same thing. On average walking 1 mile burns 100 calories....on a flat surface or course.... and if 1 pound of fat =…
  • Try using some light weights. 3 lbs. to 8lbs. to start with. Try looking up the following exercises and doing 2 sets of 12 to 20 repetitions each. Bent over Tricep Extension Bicep Curl Nose Breakers or Skull Crushers (dont be afraid because of the name...its great) Seated bicep Curl Front Shoulder raise Tricep dips (many…
  • I would try your best to get to the gym before work. I know its hard but trust me its worth it. You then cut out the issue of eating late and getting your endorphins boosted before bedtime making it harder to fall alseep. IF that is not possible I would bring your meal with you. Eat a light dinner about an hour to an hour…
  • The HRM is your best bet. Fitness equipment manufacturers have been known to put more calories burned so that you are happy with their product. There are equations you can use for Treadmill and Stationary Bike exercise but not for an elliptical. Also, not to mention the difference in who makes which elliptical and the…
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