JazzyLeeTheBee Member


  • Actually going overboard with water CAN kill you. Most such deaths are related to water drinking contests or intensive exercise that requires re-hydrating to the point of dilutional hyponatremia that upsets the balance of electrolytes with potentially fatal failure of brain functions.
  • A big thanks to the bottled water sponsored nanny state. Gosh, I wonder if I should wear a coat and hat when it is cold? I better scan my radio for a public service announcement. For most people this is an unnecessary rule. First it should say 8 cups of liquids (water being an obvious low calorie source). If someone drinks…
  • I'm not part of any movement targeting gays. No I'm not with some of those zealot positions. Actually I didn't even read most of those links, just threw them out to show many are doing it for different reasons. For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the…
  • I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth in the morning. For those who enjoy the hit and run political…
  • I'm not associated with these sites, but many are doing it like this http://40daystosaveamerica.com/mission.html http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/rick-scarborough-organizing-40-days-prayer-fasting-save-america http://www.morningstarministries.org/other-events/40-day-fast…
  • Some do it for spiritual reasons. Not my reason. I've done it before and only experienced health improvement and focus of mind. Removes fluff figuratively and literally. Probably is dangerous for some, but it's always been a positive for me.