A lot of people are starting a 40 day fast today.



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not associated with these sites, but many are doing it like this


    Some of these positions I would put in the crazy camp. But to each his own. This is an important time regardless of beliefs religious or political. Time to focus.

    OK, now I get it - something else to file under "only in America".... as always, I'm thankful I don't live in your crazy country!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    they walk among us
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    A brief read on the reasoning behind the fasting and what is being suggested and I come up with this.

    Either you give up something you love to eat or you give up one meal a day for religious reasons, not weight loss ones.

    Trying to get closer to one's god is not a bad thing but I disagree with the some of the values of the people promoting this.

    I will not be fasting.
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    My dietician and doctor WOULD not approve that ! Check with yours if you are going to fast
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Merriam-Webster defines "fast" as "1 :to abstain from food, 2: to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods"

    If abstaining from "some" food is fasting, I've been fasting since November. I had no idea.
  • JazzyLeeTheBee
    JazzyLeeTheBee Posts: 7 Member
    I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth
    in the morning.

    For those who enjoy the hit and run political comments. Be specific. Emotional slams are not helpful. I value polite debate, but it is so rare in these times.
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    I just completed a 30 day juice only fast, lost 22lbs in that time. Was it healthy? Yes, the amount of fruits and vegetables helped me sustain. Would I do it again? Never! I was absolutely miserable and the mental cravings for food were ridiculous.

    I followed the plan by Joe Cross:

    Here's my blog that I wrote during the 30 days:
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    That sounds and is dangerous! Talk to your doctor before you do this. I was going to do a fasting cleanse and my doctor was against it because of it counteracting the meds I was on.Please be careful our health is more important than losing the weight quickly.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth
    in the morning.

    For those who enjoy the hit and run political comments. Be specific. Emotional slams are not helpful. I value polite debate, but it is so rare in these times.

    Er, this movement is specifically targeting gay marriage and sex before marriage as issues of "moral denigration"--really? People who hold bigoted, biased values are urging people to fast for 40 days and don't accurately understand the term "fast"?

    Polite debate? Because we call this movement out as insane doesn't make it impolite. Should I be polite to someone who comes in saying, "Let's fast so everyone's bodies are completely controlled by government, minorities can't marry, etc."?
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I was all ready to day I don't know anyone is is fasting but after reading on I know know what the banner on my church is. Guess I should maybe attend more often that once every few months....... or maybe not.
  • JazzyLeeTheBee
    JazzyLeeTheBee Posts: 7 Member
    I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth
    in the morning.

    For those who enjoy the hit and run political comments. Be specific. Emotional slams are not helpful. I value polite debate, but it is so rare in these times.

    Er, this movement is specifically targeting gay marriage and sex before marriage as issues of "moral denigration"--really? People who hold bigoted, biased values are urging people to fast for 40 days and don't accurately understand the term "fast"?

    Polite debate? Because we call this movement out as insane doesn't make it impolite. Should I be polite to someone who comes in saying, "Let's fast so everyone's bodies are completely controlled by government, minorities can't marry, etc."?

    I'm not part of any movement targeting gays. No I'm not with some of those zealot positions. Actually I didn't even read most of those links, just threw them out to show many are doing it for different reasons.

    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    BTW the 40 days is not with holding food all together, just something important to you such as coffee, fast food ( in which I don't eat anyways). etc.

    Then when you start eating fast food againafter the 40 days, you will put all the weight back on.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I don't plan to starve. Last time I did something like this it was pretty extreme at first then I gradually allowed more juice, maybe even a protein drink now and then. Then after the fast I gradually added healthy foods back in. For now, Juice or broth
    in the morning.

    For those who enjoy the hit and run political comments. Be specific. Emotional slams are not helpful. I value polite debate, but it is so rare in these times.

    Er, this movement is specifically targeting gay marriage and sex before marriage as issues of "moral denigration"--really? People who hold bigoted, biased values are urging people to fast for 40 days and don't accurately understand the term "fast"?

    Polite debate? Because we call this movement out as insane doesn't make it impolite. Should I be polite to someone who comes in saying, "Let's fast so everyone's bodies are completely controlled by government, minorities can't marry, etc."?

    I'm not part of any movement targeting gays. No I'm not with some of those zealot positions. Actually I didn't even read most of those links, just threw them out to show many are doing it for different reasons.

    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    Lol aren't political/religious debates not allowed in the main forums?
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    ::::looks around confused:::: Come, again? 40 days? Now wait-- is this like Lent where you give up just one addiction? If so, fine. But if you are talking about not eating at all for 40 days...you have a serious problem. Please re-think that.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    I think I would die if I fasted for 40 days...:noway:
    ^^^ This^^^
  • abbiepql
    Any change or behavior modification that is not sustainable for a lifetime is not doable. Period.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    A lot of people aren't very smart are they?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    EDIT TO ADD: Wait another minute..
    For me it's more about removing the danger of our current President. One who is aligned by the way with the muslim brotherhood. For the muslim brotherhood, being gay means a death sentence. I'm essentially libertarian, so I have issue with both parties.

    That does it. I'm gonna need a third sandwich and some hashbrowns...
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    not healthy
    not sustainable
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa.. people are going to fast for 40 days to show their opposition to gay marriage??

    This day just keeps getting better.

    Enjoy starving bigots! I think I'll have an extra breakfast sandwich just to show solidarity with my hombros.

    Mmm.. tolerance is delicious...

    Maybe they'll be too weak to vote when the election rolls around. And this might alleviate any bacon shortages? Win/Win.
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