

  • Hey guys, im in the same situation!! Need motivating as much as poss. What is everyones favourite workouts!?! :happy:
  • Yeh walking is fab. I ditched my car for geting to work and now I walk there and back 40 mins each way. It was a killer at first but i soon got used to it. Just little things like dancing around to music or cleaning your car, floor changing beds, mowing the grass anything like that,, put your favourite tunes on and promise…
  • Im back too, i did this in March last year and the weight came off easy! I just got lazy and complacent and slipped back into my "fat jeans" before i knew it!! I want to get into shape for my holiday in September. Im sticking to it this time. I know some people laugh when they see people starting a health kick in "New…
  • Hi You sound just like me!! Im 31, 5'2 and 196lbs well 192 but ive lost 4lb since I started on Tuesday (probably all the bloating disappearing!) And like you i carry it all around my middle, hips and thighs! Im yet to commit to an exercise schedule i can stick to - I just need some help in sorting that bit out. I need…