CaptainJSK Member


  • This thread is awesome! I have been thinking about growing some stuff. I live in Tucson AZ as well and last weekend I bought a basil plant to see if I could take care of it without killing it ;-) I would love to try growing other things but we don't really have a yard, just rock, so I would have to buy some pots and plant…
  • My favorite thing ever is frozen grapes. I wash them and pull them off the stem and then freeze them in a ziplock bag. When I feel like something sweet I just take a few and eat them. Very low calorie and very yummy!
  • I prefer to workout on an empty stomach as well. Try it and see how it feels. You might find that it's tough and you feel a bit queasy part way through your workout. If that's the case then try eating something small before your workout, like some fruit. Half a banana works really well as well as the oatmeal suggestion…
  • I hear you on that one! I work out so much better now that I have my own office at home and can close the door - having my bf around to watch me is just super distracting!
  • That's awesome - we seem to be in about the same place! I am planning to do the full 20 week TurboFire program and then I'm not sure what to do next. I was thinking about ChaLean Extreme or Brazil Butt Lift... I figure one of those can be a holiday gift to myself :)
  • Hi Everyone! Can I join your thread? I am new to this site but I am doing TurboFire as well. I am currently in week 6 and loving it so far. Today I did Fire55 EZ. So far I have kept up with the schedule and done all of the workouts but I'm not always good about eating and getting enough sleep.
  • I'm new to the site but I'd like to join you :) I live in Tucson and am currently on week 6 of the TurboFire program.