

  • I have a unique view on this subject for you, I was raised both with a sister then without her, she passed away when I was ten, so having seen both sides of the fence and now I have four wonderful children of my own I'm all about children are Gods blessing shared with us on earth. Keep in mind I have a 16 yr old boy, 14 yr…
  • Being a guy, that I thinks like most guys ladies you have nothing to worry about your bodies are a temple at which we worship, having said that sorry ladies I already have my temple picked out and she is smoking hot.... Marks ,no marks , loose skin or not. I love her completely as she is the entire package.
  • I have one even better, my wife ran into my ex. Now my wife is smokin hot and my ex well she is not..... Now I'm looking forward to the next time I run into her :-)
  • I had VSG on march 28th, I feel the best now that I have had surgery, and now I'm preparing myself to return to work just 3 weeks out . I spent years thinking if I just watch what I eat and exercise more the weight will come off, that was not the case. I peaked at 374.8 lbs fine if your a pro football lineman and are 6'7"…
  • If you find yourself still hungry take a closer look at how your spending your calories, aim for higher protein, higher fiber and lower carbs and fat, see if that helps
  • The last real food I ate was .... You know I don't remember, I went on a two week liquid diet before surgery and am still mostly liquids now with some cottage cheese thrown in. So I guess cottage cheese is the last thing I " ate "... That is kinda depressing, what you guys are having sounds much better...
  • For me it's about keeping tabs on the week, I weigh in on Monday, Wednesday, Friday but I generally only record Monday and Friday weights, Wednesday is like check that things are still on course