purplechic Member


  • Brisk hike on the trails for 1 hour. It was good to get out even if only for 1 hour!
  • Hah. I love this topic and can fully relate to it! I am 5' 2" and few years ago (due to heavy partying and eating take-aways for dinner every night) my weight ballooned up to 65kgs which in terms of Asian sizes is considered almost "obese". I remember going to Thailand for a holiday and couldn't find pants to fit because I…
  • Oh my gosh, you are definitely an inspiration! Job very well done!!!!
  • I'm a slow runner but I love it!! I try to run 5-6 days a week. Mileage varies depending on whether or not it's marathon training season (I plod one marathon a year at least... slow runner here! 11 min/mile for a marathon). But at least 5Ks on the weekdays and a long Sunday run (8-10 miles) during off-season - I would say…
  • Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. That would be my advice. Good cap, singlets and shorts would be what I'd wear. I have not had that much experience running in hot weather but while I was in vacation in Malaysia I really struggled to get my runs in the first few days but after about a week, my body has since learnt to acclimatise…
  • I tend to heel strike on a treadmill and get aches and pains (knee pain included!). Don't get it when I am outside though. I've never really figured out why I only do it on a treadmill and not outside...so you are not the only one :)
  • When I injured myself (knee injury) a couple years ago (no running allowed for 2 months.. unfortunately as I was training for a half marathon!), the physio advised swimming and biking so Instead of running 5-6 days a week, I swam (usually my pool sessions were 45 mins minmum and goes up to 1 hour and a half_. Usually start…
  • Treadmill is so much harder mentally for me (so boring!). 30 mins on a treadmill feels like eternity..and 1 hour is... like soul destroying. Physically as well, I've noticed I get shin splints on treadmill (heel striking probably?). And after a workout, I always feel wobbly like I've been on a boat or something (motion…
  • I run for exercise so when I am suffering from cramps, I just slow it right back to a jog or when it gets bad, I just walk it off. Usually I find that I'd feel like crap during the workout but afterwards I am glad that I did it!
  • "I overtrain so I can overeat" :bigsmile: Seriously though... lots of protein (lean protein), lots of carbs (rice and pasta), bananas. I wish I can say that I eat lots of veges but I don't as I hate it. Makes me feel like a sheep.. I probably eat enough just to get by. ...I guess I have a terrible diet for a runner.
  • This^^^ :). Your legs will thank you for the rest days! When I first started running, I took rest days alternate days (or go for a swim..) and I found that the difference between not having a rest day and having one is huge! My legs always feel better after a rest day and I tend to run a bit faster! I am so glad to hear…
  • I'd say pick a speed that you will feel comfortable with to run for 20-30 minutes. When I trained for my first half marathon, the best advice I got was to "run what you think is easy, then slow it down by 20%". Like I said, what you'd really want to achieve with the program is to be able to run without stopping for 30 mins…
  • Couh to 5K is the way to do it and it's very similar to the running chart. And don't feel worried about having to repeat weeks (I've spent more than a few weeks on the same "week" to get my fitness up so that I can progress to the following week). 3mph walking and 5mph running sounds like a good start as well. Once again,…
  • Start off by slow running/walking for 5-10 minutes. Hopefully that should help loosen it up. And always stretch after a run. I've also found sport massages extremely handy every now and again.
  • 1. Find a friend to join you in your runs. I find that running with people also helps to pace yourself (good ol' "Talk Test") 2. Ignore those that judge and make snide comments - they are just jealous they can't do it. Real runners don't judge, we have respect to anyone that gets out there and just does it. ****Personal…