

  • Hi Rockerbabyy I had a look at your food diary. You seem to be going way over on the sodium every day. Maybe try and stick to the 1500 per day. Sodium can make you retain water. Processed foods are full of sodium especally soups. Hope this helps alittle good luck girl. Oh and buy the way I weigh myself everyday too and log…
  • Don't forget to add step 2 and 5.:smile:
  • Sounds right to me 1264 thank!:smile:
  • Hi cvstokke Welcome to the MFP. Lots of good info here and friends. Good luck in your journey.!!!:happy:
    in hi there! Comment by tinlady June 2011
  • I hear ya lol :laugh:
  • Hi Ryan Off / On it does not matter. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. No time like the present. Don't put off today for a start tomorrow. Good luck and I hope your father-in-law is on the mend.
  • Hi I have a eliptical machine and I measured it for you. Mind you it is not one of the big ones but I only paid $150 for it. It is 4feet deep and 2feet wide I didn't think the height was a factor. I have to pull it out from the wall a couple of feet to use. I burn 30 calories for every 5min on the lowest setting that is…
  • So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Stay strong and be kind to yourself. You are in my prayers.
  • Hi everyone I just had to reply to this post. I too am having the problems as Lyndo but I am eating those extra calories my intake is about 1500. My diet is about the same with those little extas. I workout on the treadmill every single day and burn off over 500 calories have been doing this for over nine months now. Lost…
  • Hi There I'm from Burlington, Ontario:bigsmile:
  • Hi just a thought.....I use skim milk powder in my coffee. No refrigeration required and depending on what size you buy no spoilage. Hope this helps.
  • Yes I have tried physical therapy , water therapy, and massage the thing that works for me to some degree is chiro. I guess i will just have to plug away slowly on the treadmill!
    in Bad Back Comment by tinlady April 2009
  • Hi everyone thank you for your suggestions. I guess i should have elaborated a little more. I had a full hysterectomy five months before back surgery so my stomach was not available to help with the healing process for my back. Unfortunately my back surgery was not totally successful. Three disc fusion with instrumentation…
    in Bad Back Comment by tinlady April 2009
  • Thank you for your greetings and encouragement . Have been away from the puter for a few days but am now ready to start my journey. See you in the funny papers lol.
  • in Bad Back Comment by tinlady April 2009
  • Hi everyone, I just started yesterday and am finding this site quite helpful. Three and a half years ago I had major back surgery and now have plates,rods and pins in my lower back. I am very out of shape and although my Dr. said do whatever I feel up to the treadmill is ok but i would like to do more. Any suggestions.
    in Bad Back Comment by tinlady April 2009
  • I am here to make a difference for myself and anyone else I can help! :bigsmile: