

  • thanks for the advice...that was actually quite helpful and gave me some a different perspective :)
  • good for u girl take life into your own hands dont let anyone or anything get u down
  • yes..life is hard sometimes u r sad sometimes u are happy its best to make the most of the happy times and remember them when u are sad so u don't despair life is a journey learn from the hard times enjoy the good
  • at trader joes there is something called better n' peanut butter....only 100 cals per 2 table spoons...u can put that on with low sugar smuckers jelly you can also do cottage cheese with salsa...thats my personal favorite
  • its ok..deep breaths sometimes in weight loss u reach a plateau do to gaining muscle muscle weighs more than fat soon u will lose weight once the muscle gaining and losing are no longer at equilibrium
  • try eating healthy filling snacks...protein is good eat fast healthy things...like kashai granola bars...baggie of nuts