love it. just don't really feel comfortable sleeping with it on but other than that it is a great buy/gadget if u can afford it.
healthy splash of lime and sprinkle on a little salt and a lot of pepper.
pricey but worth it... fitbit
hate people like that. I call them friendnemies.
indian food...with RICE
Congrats. Good luck on your journey!
thanks. bump
Hot power yoga I burn around 550. Bikram I burn 350 ish. I usually wear a HRM in yoga classes. for core yoga (warm but not hot room) I burn like 150-200ish cals.
I have to keep on repeating to myself... "I am not a victim, I am not a victim...." over and over till I feel better.
great quote and so true
My dream is to get back together with my ex and be happy. but its too late now and he will never love me again.
Organic Valley Egg Whites Athletic Greens organic Spinach Onions Refried beans(canned) black beans Mixed greens chile rellenos kerrygold butter
thanks! i will do that
don't they have a weird smell and from what I remember.. they were kinda crunchy? or did I just get a bad batch!
chile rellenos, sushi, garlic
I will do it with ya =) I am on my week 1 day three tomorrow! gonna send ya a friend request
You have a to a hrm. I was having the same problem and once I got my hrm and compared to what the machine's numbers are, my hrm numbers are always lower. I recommend polar ft4 and if you don't get this one, make sure you get one with a chest strap as they are more accurate than just the watch.
venti bold, no cream no sugar. 0 cals, 0 sugar, 0 fat. +antioxidants and gives my metabolism a boost. hooray!
great advice. bump
pretty much always over on fiber and protein, but i work hard to keep it that way.
You look A LOT skinnier than 161! Congrats!
thanks! bump