

  • Hello Kyle, is nice to meet you. ^-^ I caught my dad trying to shove a bunch of junk at me earlier...That's a far cry from what I need, so I understand. Most of my friends, though, they don't seem to care if I eat or not. x.x Doesn't exactly help. :3 But anyway. Be my friend? Mikedhatz: I'm very glad to hear that she's…
  • I shut myself off when I'm doing meditation stuff, so I appear catatonic - I don't move or speak during those times. I'm also kind of adorable, so I'm told. So why not?
  • Some women would find it degrading, while other women (this is my personal view) think it's great that these women are comfortable enough with their bodies to indulge in such a display. Yeah, the way it's marketed makes it seem like "Oh, that's all these women are good for is to stare at." I'll give you that one. But it's…
  • Okay, I'm gonna come out and say this right now - I'm genuinely impressed with how helpful all of you are! Most of the fitness sites I've been on have either opted not to answer my questions at all, or treated me like an idiot for not knowing the answers. I'm already very fond of you. :3 I very obviously made a smart…
  • Right now I'm not working with weights save for a light bar until I know I find a method that's consistently pain free. If there is a problem with my knees, I don't want to push it too hard and then end up seriously damaging them. I was standing at 11 and 1 when I first noticed the problem, though when I changed my footing…
  • For me, there is a pretty bad amount of pain when my knees pop during squats. Though, I've got my laptop with me in my workout space (makes a great music player) - I attempted the box squats and managed to escape with just one painless pop! Thank you, very much. I think I'll stick with these 'til my knees get a bit…
  • I get the same issue with my hips, too. Sometimes my elbows will crack, but it's not nearly as bad. It's just very odd to me, an ex-marching band member, to have such weak legs/knees. I'm worried I'm entering into the wonderful world of joint problems.