Calorie burn is approx. 100 per mile. A 300lb person would burn about 150 per mile. Adjust accordingly to your weight.
The point of doing Cardio after weights is to work the lactic acid out of your muscles. If muscle soreness isn't really an issue for you, do what you like.
I agree with edival. Insulin resistance is a real thing. That's why so many diabetics are overweight no matter how much they cut calories. Same with hypothyroidism and women with PCOS. It just makes things harder. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat.
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Start time will only show up if you are using another program and they are linked to each other. I have to enter manually for my fitbit but Runtastic enters it for me.
I second the Bodymedia Fit for accuracy. It measures everything. I gave up using mine for a Fitbit Flex because it is less bulky. Love my fit bit but it definitely not as accurate but still not a bad deal and pairs with MFP.