Funny you asked this question. Just this weekend, I cancelled memberships to 2 dating websites. The responses I had gotten back weren't even close to what I was looking for and the few people I did meet were questionable; and I'll stop there. I was disappointed to say the least. To each his own, though. I hope you have…
I tried planting a garden last year but it proved to be too much work for me. This year, I'm planning again and the hard work will count as exercise! I want to plant tomatoes, squash, zuccini, eggplant, collard greens, eggplant and maybe some green/red/yellow peppers. I'm excited.....
Its a variation of my name....Samantha. Samigirl evolved when I was trying to come up with a screen name back in '99 when creating a Yahoo email address. Since then, its stuck and has become my trademark. My friends call me Sami....