Dating Websites....Your thoughts please.



  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    POF is like the trailer park of dating websites... I have a couple of ex's that troll for "hookups" on there.. The obvious point is that it's free, so you get the FULL range of people on there... so it can go both ways I suppose.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I met my husband on POF (Plentyoffish) I wasn't ready for a relationship but love doesn't care about whether you're ready or not. It just happens. I tried several other but POF was my fave and it's free.
  • Samigirl2012
    Samigirl2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Funny you asked this question. Just this weekend, I cancelled memberships to 2 dating websites. The responses I had gotten back weren't even close to what I was looking for and the few people I did meet were questionable; and I'll stop there. I was disappointed to say the least.

    To each his own, though. I hope you have much more success than I did. Good luck in your search.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    my mom met her new husband online....and my sister also met her husband online! :)
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    I've been on match and lavalife in the past 3 weeks and met 5 - FIVE guys all telling me that they're currently working in Nigeria. SERIOUSLY? Just because I'm fat, doesn't mean I'm stupid and desperate. I've given up for the moment because it took me a long time to muster up the courage to actually sign up and now I'm just annoyed. I have one friend who can literally go onto one dating site, find one man and fall madly in love. Drives me nuts (green eyed monster, nuts)...:grumble:

    I won't rule them out in the future, but please be very VERY cautious and play safe when meeting someone on line...there are a lot of scammers out there just waiting to get their claws into some desperate woman (or man).
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I met my boyfriend of 4 years online:love: But I will say.....I had a lot of bad/interesting/odd/weird first dates (because it never went beyond that first date) with guys I meant online. You might have to weed through a lot of frogs before you meet your prince but it's worth a try!

    Ditto on this too. I met some very weird people on there before I met Paul. Be choosy to say the least. There are some good ones on there but you will most likely weed through some "questionables" first.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have been married for 12 years, so meeting online was rare when I was dating. I heard a lot about POF, and my sister met her husband on

    wow, seriously?

    I haven't heard of that site in like 20 years lol
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    best place to get a FWB if you live in NYC - and usually its POF cause everyone sexy here is on that thing with an unsearchable profile.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Yes go for it - but don't treat it any differently from meeting unknown blokes in any other situation. Some will be not worth knowing or scary, some will be friends, some will have good connections, some will be boring - cyberlife isn't any different form real life, except you do get to check out some stuff before physical attraction has a chance to happen, when in social situations it's the other way around. Have fun, nad maybe the right man for you is out there looking too...
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    When I was a Single Dad I decided to try the online thing.

    I met my wife on "I need a new girlfriend dot com" we've been together over ten years now and I have never been happier in a relationship. I say go for it but be carefull who you meet in real life.
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    I met my husband on lavalife 8 years ago. We got married in 2006. Like others, I had a lot of weird dates first, and was actually taking a break from dating when he contacted me. Meeting people online can definitely "work," but you won't get more out than you put in. If you're dishonest about yourself or who you're looking for, you won't find anyone to fit with you. And even then, it can take some time. Just go slow, and don't rush anything that seems weird.
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    I don't mean to come off shallow or anything of that nature by my "angle" post earlier. But angle pics are essentially using camera angles to get the "perfect" shot, and only using them on your profile. I get that everyone is trying to 'sell themselves' but it's just a shocker when the person you meet is NOT what they have been advertising to you over the last few weeks.
  • edmercdeleted
    First, wow, there are some angry women responding on this post. Don't listen to them unless you want to share their fate. You know what I mean.

    Second, I met my wife on We've been together six years now. Our beautiful son just turn five.

    Don't listen to them! DON'T!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I have used different ones, the best luck I had was POF. I met lots of interesting people and some real 'INTERESTING' ones too.
    You will have to decide what you really want, and be open too.
    Give everyone at least a shot of talking to them, they are people too. And then pick one to meet. Who knows where you could find true love. At least this way you can date on your terms..
    Good luck..
  • CarynCharB
    CarynCharB Posts: 215 Member
    I met my husband online 12 years ago thru a site on AOL. Yes, that's right, that LONG ago. He's the love of my life. Good Luck to You and Have FUN!!:wink:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I don't mean to come off shallow or anything of that nature by my "angle" post earlier. But angle pics are essentially using camera angles to get the "perfect" shot, and only using them on your profile. I get that everyone is trying to 'sell themselves' but it's just a shocker when the person you meet is NOT what they have been advertising to you over the last few weeks.
    It's called the bait and switch!

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    First, wow, there are some angry women responding on this post. Don't listen to them unless you want to share their fate. You know what I mean.

    Second, I met my wife on We've been together six years now. Our beautiful son just turn five.

    Don't listen to them! DON'T!
    Hah you think they were 'angry' before? This type of sexist bull**** isn't going to win you any fans. Going to grab my popcorn.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I don't mean to come off shallow or anything of that nature by my "angle" post earlier. But angle pics are essentially using camera angles to get the "perfect" shot, and only using them on your profile. I get that everyone is trying to 'sell themselves' but it's just a shocker when the person you meet is NOT what they have been advertising to you over the last few weeks.
    Yeah - lots of guys do that too. Or the hat pictures to hide being bald. I don't mind a bald man, but did you not think I was going to find out?
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I met my boyfriend (going on 2 years) and my ex-boyfriend on OKCupid (5 years). It's free, and if you're familiar with Spark Notes, the creators of OKCupid also created that as well. Really smart guys.

    Also, just like another poster said, you gotta go through a lot shiz before you find a diamond. Also, even if they're not Mr. Right, they might still end up becoming friends of yours. I made a few. :) Good luck!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Both my sister and I met our husbands on I have had 2 other friends either engaged or married with eharmony. All of us are thrilled with our results. You do have to sift through many people to find someone you would want to get to know better. (So worth it in my opinion!) My best advice is to use your common sense and your gut instinct when using online dating to stay safe. With all of the multitasking going on today, it only makes sense to use the internet as a means to find someone to date. There are many good people out there not willing to brave the bar scenes anymore.
    Good Luck!